Monday, July 11, 2005

If you came here looking for knitting content....

what are you, an idiot? Get real! Move along, nothing to see here. Come back in a few days, maybe there will I am still knitting, honest I am. I did, uh, two or three entire rows on the Denim Silk tank last night. It's now, um, about six inches of stockinette.

Dennis: So much hype, even here. The weatherbunnies' noses were all a-quiver, especially the dumb boy bunny who cheerily reported that the storm was going to Pensacola, and therefore "Would miss Florida!" Geography - oddly, not a weatherbunny job requirement. But his teeth are very white.

We weren't expecting a hit but were expecting to get some outer bands. It was gray, it was breezy, it was so humid it was unbearable. But no serious rain. Two good blasts, a breeze, and Dennis was gone. I'm so glad it moved fast and blew through the Panhandle quickly, compared to Ivan this was an "eh." Of course, this is partly because everything Ivan knocked down up there has not been rebuilt yet, and the trees in danger of falling mostly fell last year, so duh, damage will be lighter this time.

For us, today's "normal afternoon rain" was what Dennis was hyped to be. It was freaking awesome, booming thunder, spectacular lightning, torrential rain - otherwise known as "the rain that screws up rush hour" around these parts. Dudley does not like noisy storms, he could not decide where to hide, so he settled for running back and forth looking very worried. Murphy has been known to doze off while outside during fireworks displays, thunderstorms don't scare the Bossy Dog. I'm hoping Murphy's indifference will rub off on Dudley in time.

My personal, Brit-Hume-like thought, yesterday, was "Oh shit, there won't be a roofer around these parts for months now." Bless me Bloggers, for I have Sinned, that was very selfish of me, but damn, my roof was damaged last fall and I still don't have a new roof, and now the roofers are saddling up and heading up I-75, taking my shingles with them. Of course, it could be worse, I could be like my neighbors, who now have sodden shingles sitting on their roof - let's start a pool to see when a crew comes to INSTALL them, shall we?

So, I gave notice last week and this week, the Interventions began. The office admin - a nice girl, honestly - could not grasp why I was leaving. I honestly tried to explain, and she still didn't get it. Not that this is surprising, I've been telling her the issues for at least a year and she didn't get it then either. Unless the Good Fairy of Enlightenment whacks her upside the head with a Smart Wand, this is a waste of breath. And that is, of course, one of the reasons I'm leaving. At some point this week, my boss and his boss are scheduled to appear to "discuss" it. There is nothing to discuss. Pretend we are married. I have packed my bags, rented my own apartment, and, btw, I'm taking the dog. Goodbye.

The more I think about it, the happier I am with my decision. The more they talk at me, the more confident I am that I am doing the right thing. This is a dead end, and even if the company I'm going to is swallowed by a bigger fish in a year, I will walk away with new skills and new direction.


  1. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Good on you, for sticking to your guns and getting the hell out. Exactly what doesn't the silly admin get? I don't even work a) in your office or b) in your field, and it seems perfectly clear from where I sit.

    And I'm glad you didn't get pummelled stormwise. Bother about the roof though. :-(

  2. Glad to hear you're all right. I was getting worried about you.

    It's odd how the people who made your job difficult are the same ones who cannot fathom why you're leaving. Stick to your guns. I agree, one way or the other you'll come out of this better off.

    *Snerk* ...taking the dog...

  3. i've had jobs like that, where it's best just to run, and screw the explanations. the higher-ups won't get it, because they're only interested in their view. exit interviews in such places are a joke, they're not looking for help, they're looking for validation of their methods. oy. as for dennis, i'm glad it blew past you. i could use a good rousing thunderstorm here myself, it's been hot and dry for weeks, sigh.

  4. Anonymous8:51 AM

    *snort* Just when I was starting to get all whiney,
    you've pointed out that prolly what I need is a whack up the side of my head with a Smart Wand.
    and YES, taking the dog is the perfect analogy.
    thanks for the geography giggle.
    So glad you didn't get another direct hit.
    Perhaps the tides they are indeed a turnin for you, dear.
    Blessings, as always.

  5. Anonymous9:48 AM

    YaY, chica! Like wooliemama says, Balls to the Wall! heh.

  6. Fab outlook! Glad the storm spared you

  7. good luck on your new job!
    glad the storm didnt hit you..
    take care,
