Wednesday, June 15, 2005

No time, no energy

Lots of rants but no time to blog them. Work is exhausting, the days are long, full of non-stimulating busywork and generally no fun at all. I've been going to the gym every evening, which is very good, working out often is improving my mood and my energy level as well as my ass, but by the time I come home, deal with animal care, do whatever chores must be done or else (last night it was dealing with the pond, which is greener than the grass after all the rain and hot weather) I have enough strength to shower and fall into bed around 10. I fall asleep almost instantly, the clock goes off at 5 and I do it all again.

I have that job interview tomorrow and I'm still very ambivalent, leaning toward negative. I was very tempted to call the headhunter and tell her I've changed my mind, but Girl says I should go talk to them, so I'll go talk to them. Maybe it really will be something I'd like to do. I've done some research on the company and it ranks at the top of the industry. It may be a great opportunity, but honestly, right now my instincts say it's wrong for me. But I could be wrong, and after talking to them I may be a better fit than I think. Or not. So I'm quite relaxed about the interview. Whatever. God knows I need a change, but I'm not sure that this is what I need. Of course, I may come home with a totally different attitude after talking to them. We'll see.

Crafting - not much during the week, that's for sure. A few rows on the re-started, re-sized crocheted jacket. There is a reasonable hope that I will have it finished by the time cold weather hits again next, uh, Christmas. I'm in a ripping out frame of mind, and if I am not moved by a project it's history. Am I crazy because I get satisfaction from frogging failures? I never feel terribly disappointed, there's something very pleasing in figuring out where it went wrong or what I find dissatisfying and changing it. The crocheted bag? The stripes are too wide. I need to re-start it, same colors, much narrower stripes so after it felts it'll have a more subtle color scheme. That may get ripped this evening.

Time to get moving and go start Wednesday. Whoo.


  1. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Chica, some of it is adjustment to the newly humid/scorching weather, don't you think? not minimizing the office drag, lord knows I feel it, too. Last night I crashed out cold at 7 pm. Maybe you need to come down here for a getaway... I can think of at least 3 LYSs in the area plus a few more up the coast if you're into a serious yarn crawl. Or we could go to the Delano, sip saketinis and ogle the pool boyz...what say?

  2. The Key Biscayne trip was canceled due to lack of coordination on the other side. I can't afford a trip right now, I have roofers and such looming over my tired ass this weekend, but as soon as anything on my Miami cases gets its shit together and schedules something I have to slog down there for, you are my second call. The first is to Girl to tell her she has the con, and the dogs, cats and misc.

  3. Anonymous9:42 PM

    I hear you. Am also waiting for a roofer. Been waiting for almost 2 weeks now. Le sigh. it's a blue collar waiting for godot...
