Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Wednesday, the Sequel.

Just go read Angry Black Bitch. I promise that as soon as this Snarky White Bitch updates her sidebar, ABB gets top billing. Love this woman. I was going to say something about the Schiavo autopsy but she beat me to it and hit all the main points.

So, I went to my lousy cube today still deeply ambivalent about tomorrow's interview. I should be old and wise enough by now to recognize that when I am deeply ambivalent it is because I am really turned off, but somehow, this has not quite set in with me yet. So I spent some quality time perusing the prospective employer's website. And I Read the Many Buzzwords, and Yea, Verily, My EYES did GLAZE OVER with Indifference! And when I contemplated a life among the bean-counters of this industry, my Soul Cried Out in Despair! And I called the agency and bailed on the interview.

I'm sorry, but I can contract wonk with the best of them in a subject matter in which I have some interest. Give me the contracts of a GC and a sub and a sub-sub and I'll tell you Who's On First and enjoy figuring it out. That's about people with tools, making buildings and roads and bridges and things that real people use every day. I love Bob the Builder contract work. But the vocabulary and subject matter of the potential employer is just waaaay too esoteric, too actuarial, too bean-counting, too Fucking Boring. It's nice that there are people with this level of detail who can give a shit about it. Or maybe it's not, maybe the existence of people who can numb their souls to the point of caring about this shit enables it to exist. Maybe somebody should just grab them and shake them and say, "You aren't making anything, you aren't helping anyone, you aren't doing anything but writing contracts that create imaginary money and move it around! You are the Dungeons and Dragons players who never grew up, and you are the scourge of the corporate world!" I can't tell, I just know I Can't Do It. I'd rather work the paint department at Home Depot.

Not that my current job shows any sign of going away - I have to remind myself of that, I have time to find the right job or even change paths entirely if the RIGHT opportunity arises. This just was not IT.

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