Sunday, June 12, 2005

Rip. Re-size. Repeat.

So I was working away on my crocheted jacket, holding up the back panel, which is basically a rectangle at this point, and the light finally dawned. It's too small. I made the second from the smallest size, a 38, which in theory should be the right size. It looks skimpy. And I then remembered that I made this in the smallest size for my then 9 year old daughter, who was tall for her age and slender, and it was only slightly oversized on her. Rip. I've restarted it in the next-to-the-largest size.

It has been another very wet weekend, and when the sun comes out the world is transformed into the exhaust from Hell's Dry Cleaner. It's a day to hide in the A/C, venturing forth only to forage for necessities, and to drink gallons of iced tea with lemon and mint and lots of Splenda. Splenda makes a good sweet tea - very sugary tasting compared to using, say, Equal, which makes "sweet" but somehow not quite a sugar sweet. No point in exerting too much energy today, and the next round of afternoon rain will be here in a couple of hours. Lazy, lazy weekend.

I'm hoping photos of the boys will distract the few and faithful readers from the total lack of content or finished fiber projects in these posts. Note that the girlchild is confident enough to show her face on my blog sans makeup and in her jammies.


  1. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Yep. You could get away with writing "blah blah blah" as long as you keep posting pictures of those dogs. They're a day brightener for me, every time.

    And, what a beautiful daughter you have!

  2. No fair looking that good sans makeup - in jammies, no less. What a stunner. Cute dogs too.

    too hot for anything fiber I think - too hot for anything but naps.

    May your towels be with you.

  3. Heh. Yeah, having to rip that much is scream-inducing.

    I had completed the Aran vest for my DH up to the armhole shaping. I had check the damned pattern. Yeah, the number of stitches at that gauge should give the circumference of the pattern. What I and the pattern designer forgot is that cables eat width.

    I finally decided to see if it fit, and it was WAY too small. I took a good look at the pattern and decided that I liked the simple cable pattern they were using, but would have to redesign the vest from scratch. So it's been frogged and is awaiting my finding the time to concentrate on said redesign.

    In the meantime, I'm finishing up some bootees, hats and jackets for nieces/nephews and great-nieces/nephews that will be arriving in a few months.

  4. BTW, girlchild is beautiful. Wish I looked that good without makeup.

  5. Wish I looked that good without makeup too. I suppose I looked almost that good at her age, but at the time we focus on our flaws. Just like now, actually....

  6. Yep,and the cables and this crunch stitch pattern would work about the same way - it's tight, it has little lateral stretch, and it would look like hell if I didn't upsize it to a 42. My condolences re the cables, that's more time consuming than this thing. I've already got about 5 inches redone on the re-size.
