Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Fussy Eater Shopping Alert

Murphy is 5 years old. Murphy has never eaten normal dog treats - during his puppy training I had to use cat treats, and his favorite treats are people food - bits of chicken or cheese. But Murphy LOVES these. They smell like people food, and they must taste like it too. So far, the overwhelming successes are the roasted chicken and garlic mashed potatoes flavor and the braised short ribs. The roasted chicken and sweet potatoes didn't go over like these flavors.

Dudley of course adores them, but hell, he'll eat anything. He's a DAWG.

Oh, and I have not escaped the joys of the wicked summer cold running through my office. I swear, I have had more crud working there than in my entire adult life combined. I blame it on the frequent visits from various snot-carrying offspring, but maybe the adults just don't wash their hands enough. All I know is that I started the day healthy and ended it miserable. I know, don't say it - how is this different from most work days?

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