Tuesday, June 21, 2005

It sure does.

Schiavo Autopsy Shows Condition of U.S. Politics.


  1. Anonymous3:02 PM

    I'm so frustrated by the whole entire thing -- 1700 Americans dead from the war, another 12,000 wounded, and then of course the ... how many? 200,000 Iraquis affected? The economy is barely stuttering onward, gas prices are over $9000 a year for the average Californian, people are getting shot on the 110 freeway, they appointed WOLFOWITZ (sp?) (arsehole?) to the world bank, and you know. Terri Schiavo is the headline. AGAIN.

    I'm just saying is all.

    How much do I love your blog? I LOVE IT. Thank you for keeping on with the keeping on.

    P.S. I once had a dog that would eat nothing but cat food. Yup. Weirdo.

  2. Yep, and just to show Congress is all over the vital issues, the simpletons in the House just passed an anti-flag burning amendment. When is the last time flag burning was an issue? I think I was still in elementary school... But a health care program for the MILLIONS of uninsured Americans, hell, we can't even get them to think about that.

    And now Randall Terry, anti-abortion lunatic and general publicity whore, has thrown his hat in the ring for a FL Senate seat, against a rational Republican, based on his street theater idiocy re Shiavo. It's just surreal. If he manages to get taken seriously the odds of my getting out of this state after this year go up dramatically.

    My condolences re your governor, btw, he has lived up to every one of my expectations.

  3. I was thinking something similar when I heard the flag-burning amendment. Something along the lines of, "Don't they have any WORK to do?"
