Monday, June 20, 2005

The 12 Month Yarn Diet

There, that's an eye-catching title for an entry on a knitting blog: "How to Reduce Your Stash to Something the Size of the Boney Olsen Twin(Ican'trememberwhichonethatis)'s Lunch!"*

I'm on a 12 month yarn fast because I've made a decision - if the next year doesn't bring me reasons to stay in OrlanDUH, I'm pulling up stakes and moving - first choice is back to MD, but if my pal in Coral Gables comes through with a real job offer and not just flirtation, I'd go South. I'm not in a position to move right now. Too much debt, my dad is in very bad shape (on hospice, actually) and, like it or not, I am the responsible adult on board so I have to be somewhat nearby, generally too many loose ends of middle aged adulthood to tie up here.

But I am very discouraged about my job hunt here in Mousetown - salaries are low, expectations are low, nobody can afford me and nobody really wants what I can do. If they can get a Bimbolegal to send out canned discovery and sort the incoming stuff, that's all they really want. 3-4 years of experience and that'll get you UP TO 35K!!! Yes, there are jobs in my bracket, I know people who have them, but they don't come open that often. I'll keep looking, maybe I'll get one. In the meantime, it's time for a backup plan. And going back to MD is in it. I could make a "lateral move" and make at least 5% more money, and the cost of living is actually LOWER. Even a brief investigation indicates I'd net out at least 10% ahead.

See, this is the big lie Florida tells - they present this view to the rest of the country that you can come here and live in this lovely low cost of living, snow free paradise. The reality is that a little bitty house on my street goes for well over a quarter mil and it's considered a bargain, meanwhile, the average salary is lingering well below 40K. The economy is heavily service based, and, in Orlanduh, heavily influenced by "major employers" like Mauschwitz and MalWart, exploiting employing thousands on part time and seasonal, no benefits, no future, live with four roommates and eat a lot of ramen noodles wages. In a logical world the retail and theme park salary scales would not spill over into other industries, but here, somehow, they do. I have had attorneys in non-FL cities tell me that with my background I'd be making 90K there. I ain't making nowhere near that here. And here, the average person can't buy that average little bitty 1500 square foot house. My friend L is a single mother, good job, makes more money than I do, and can't buy a house. If she's still in that boat in a year I'll ask her if she wants to rent this place - it's in the Primo School District. Which means the schools are barely adequate by national standards.

I've been here 24 years and barely have my nose above the water, paddling like hell. I am a college graduate with a solid background in complex litigation, construction law, real estate, business, and real life. Drop my ass into the middle of any complex commercial litgation case on the planet and I will sort it out in a week and be able to backstage manage it all in two weeks. That's not bragging, it's just what I do. But here there are like 12 jobs like that. If I'm going to be living on tuna in my old age then dammit, I'm going to do it in a city with museums and parks and places worth visiting for free. And I've seen what we have here and it's a joke and it blows.

So that's what I'm thinkin' - and that's why I'm now on the 12 month yarn diet, as well as in general "Have I used this in the past three years? No? It's outta here!" mode.

The kids are also regrouping, rethinking - they may stay in FL but they will in all likelihood blow outta Orlanduh too. This is truly the wasteland of the state, career-wise - even Jacksonville, long ridiculed as "Cleveland with Rednecks" among my friends, has grown up to be a really nice, prosperous, fun city. I've always called it Baltimore with Palm Trees, and it turns out I was more accurate in my assessment -the two cities have much in common. I'd consider moving there. My prospects in general would be better. But I'm leaning toward Baltimore as a better place to be. I have family in Anne Arundel Co. and the District. I have friends there. I have professional ties as well, because I've worked for international companies for years. I could transition back to my Native Land with only moderate re-entry shock - I haven't driven on ice in over two decades, but I can buy a Subaru and it will come back to me, like riding a bicycle - or something.

So that is where I am, Monday, June 20th, 2005. Florida has 12 months to make up to me and change my mind, or the Bossy Dog and I (and Boris)will be on 95, heading North, come this time next year.

Fiber talk - I have been crocheting the green jacket, but over the weekend I had a deep need to work with pretty colors and shiny things. So I dragged out the Berroco Zen from the Stash, and I'm working on Hannan in the Mt. Fuji colorway. I love it.

Oh, and check out the free dog sweater pattern on the website - or rather, Who's wearing it.

Bostons are a family tradition in my family - my grandparents had them, my parents had one before I was born. My dad is very pleased that my daughter has brought Bostons back to the family. And Dudley could not be a better choice, he's an angel.

*I'm not mocking the poor wee Olsen Twin's awful eating disorder, just the sick obsession in the media. They wring their hands about it but make a point of featuring her thinness in every tabloid. Sick mixed messages, anyone?


  1. Hey, NOW you're talkin'. Give FL and yourself a time limit, and if it's not working for you, it must be changed.

    Love the new projects. The dog sweater is really cute.

    I've done the accordion cardigan from Knitty in the smallest size for one great-niece/nephew on the way and am just completing a version of ChildHood (also from Knitty) for a niece/nephew arriving at about the same time. They've both come out REALLY cute.

    And yes, I'm getting rather tired of the media's fixation with whichever Olsen twin.

  2. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Catherine, I'm not one to say stay if it doesn't suit you and I grew up here and I
    KNOW, but maybe we can work something out.
    you could rent my house if CG does come through or roomie up (it's small but liveable) till you see if CG suits. Anyway. all things to maybe consider. Am wondering where on god's green earth i need to go since there are so many places better than this. ah, but i do so love the ocean. the only clean and peaceful in energy thing down here.
    am babbling but do truly share many of the same feelings...

  3. Cooooom Coooooome Come to us up nawth.

    Sometimes life needs the same treatment our closets do. Goon on you for making the decision. a year is long enough - after that it's time to get up off it.

  4. Ack! Good for you, not goon! I must be losing it.

  5. You have given yourself a limit for FL to either put up or else. And it gives you time to clear everything up. Just remember that things aren't always good up here in MD as you might think but at least you will paid what you are worth. And the ice isn't the problem, it is the other idiots on the road. But if you run out of yarn, I am sure that all of us will be happy to send you some.....

  6. Well, you'd have to work on how you say "O" and "Hon" and stuff like that, but otherwise you'd be welcomed back to being a Baltimoron.

    I had friends who moved to Orlando (are still there actually) from NY, and were blown away - the mortgage was what they expected, but the time was half as long (so the house was half as expensive)... but it's all perspective. Baltimore is pretty much par for the course, I think.

    You know we would LOVE to have you.

  7. House prices in Orlanduh have spiked ginormously over the past 2 years, to the point of insanity by local standards, considering salaries lag wildly behind. My house went up over $100k since I refinanced in the fall of 03, and I'd thought that appraisal was a bit high at the time. Now the tables have turned and a house in MD is about 6% cheaper, on average, than here. And salaries are higher.

    I would not be going back to Baltimore, since I was never from Baltimore (I'm from PG County, a long, long time ago) but I like the Baltimore area and have work contacts there that might be helpful. But I'm open - I like MD because I know it and have family and friends there.

    FL has 1 year to change my mind.

  8. Anonymous3:05 PM

    I would just like to point out that we also have Mousewich out here and no snow and high costs of living... but the salaries are somewhat better, the city is a blue blue place with lots of crazy bleeding-heart liberal types who walk their dogs on rollerblades and hey, we have a great stitch 'n bitch... I'm just saying. In case you decide snow isn't your thing after all ;)

  9. Lived there, for a year, Back in the Day. Nice place to visit, and I've visited quite a bit, but I'm just not into earthquakes and smog and such, not to mention the house prices. Oy! And I'm just an East Coast Girl.
