Sunday, June 19, 2005

The baby is now a DAWG.


  1. what a cutie..great framing pic..

  2. Anonymous1:05 PM

    hmmm...want to lay bets that there will be a wee baby in your future when daughter takes off with your lovely granddawg?

  3. OMG, I'm in LOVE!!!!!

    Wish I could just reach through the computer screen and grab that baby right up--he's sooooo adorable!

    How are you ever going to let him go?

  4. No way, Caroline - I love him dearly and he'll always be a welcome guest, but I already have a lovable little high-maintenance dog. Dudley is a doll, but he's Girl's dog and that's fine with me. Murphy OTOH, will probably miss him to pieces and pine for a friend.

  5. Anonymous8:58 AM

    OMG - what a precious picture! I agree that it deserves a big ol' frame!

    I don't know how you stand it in Orlando, or even most of Florida. We looked into relocating a couple of years ago, and its horrendously expensive. I feel your pain.

    Good luck lasting 12 months on your yarn diet!
