Monday, April 11, 2005


Heh. Remember how excited I was about having a decent coffeemaker in the office? It has a big "Not Working Yet" sign taped to it. Now, this totally puzzles me - at my former employer we had this very same coffee service, which is only "new" to this office. (We will not discuss the prior arrangements, but the coffee was so undrinkable eventually everybody gave up pretending and nobody made it.) This is not a tough system. The Coffee Guy comes in, sets up the pot, which is plumbed into the water line, leaves the coffee and fixins, it's pretty much that basic. The woman who set this up at my last job basically had the brainpower of a kitchen sponge, yet somehow Coffee Guy Came, and There Was Coffee. On the same day. It wasn't hard. He did the work.

In my spectacularly dysfunctional current office, even the normal is not done normally. I am tempted to start a pool to guess what day We Get Coffee. Right now, we have a pot. Oh, and there isn't room for the old coffeepot too, so we have only a dysfunctional pot with a paper sign on it.

I had computer problems today, and by the time the "Help Desk" was done nothing worked. Programs that worked before the "Help" would not open. I was dead in the water, reading depositions and editing a motion for summary judgment BY HAND, and at least tomorrow I can assemble the exhibits to the MSJ while awaiting the long-suffering and very nice guy who comes to fix the computer in person after the "Help Desk" leaves it FUBAR.

The irony is I woke up in a great mood this morning - I was rested, cheerful, determined to get to work and take care of a bunch of stuff I've been avoiding dealing with, and got to work and found 1) no coffee; and 2) no functional MS Word, which you kinda need in a business that runs on words. So my good, positive start to the day lasted until approximately 8:06 a.m. And it's only Monday.

The positive side of this is a genuine change in my attitude - stuff bothers you a lot less when you honestly quit giving a rat's ass. I was more miffed at the lack of coffee than the dead computer, or the TWO HOURS spent on the phone with tech support in various countries (it's outsourced), or when the "upper level" tech clearly knew less about what he was doing than I did and busted my entire operating system. That was mildly annoying, but damn, the lack of coffee PISSED ME OFF. OTOH, I was happy that the hot water dispenser worked and I could make tea.

Clearly, I have my priorities straight to work in this office - this newfound enlightenment and balance is all that is keeping me going.


  1. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Found your blog about three months ago and enjoy reading it a lot. I didn't read any blogs this past weekend, so just saw your felted bag pictures. It's great! I love the colors, and the visual texture of the final bag is wonderful.

  2. Thanks, it's a great pattern and I'm really happy with how it turned out. I'm so excited by it I want to make another. I love several bags in that book - it's a pity that carrying a felted bag as an everyday purse when it's 85 is a bit too weird. ;-)
