Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Coffeepot Watch, Day 4.

"Not Working Yet." Is anyone surprised?

Meanwhile, and to distract myself from the inanity of my working life, I'm
starting to obsess about MDS&W, and specifically, what I wish to be on the
lookout for when I'm there. Handpainted yarns, definitely. An inkle loom
and weave-able fibers to play with it, I think. Other than that, the
possibilities are wide open, and we will see what develops. I'm getting
excited - not just about the festival but about getting together with a
bunch of KR friends and putting faces with the names. I already know a few
from the KR retreat in '03, but this event will have lots more. I can't wait.

Still more meanwhile, Girlchild's return to the nest is a mere two weeks and
a couple of days away. In the almost two years since her dad died and the
four years that the nest has been empty, I have basically taken over a 3
bedroom house with my stuff. It's not cluttered, it's just spread out. So
the next two weekends must be spent rearranging and consolidating the books,
beads, yarn, and what have you that have migrated from room to room,
multiplying there. It's time to round up and corral all my shit, because
the plan is to give her the two back bedrooms (the Boy has zero plans to
return to the nest) with her brother's old room as her overflow storage/guest space.

I've promised some yarn to someone and I finally have a box to pack and send
it, so it will go on its merry way this weekend. The rest must be consolidated, and I think it's time for a real inventory, in a notebook I can carry with me to MD, so I can actually plan useful, sensible purchases to coordinate with yarn I already have (what a freakin'concept). So the rest of the week and the weekend are already very, very full.

Oh, remember the Shimmer yarn I bought from Knitpicks, thinking of a simple feather and fan shawl? I started it twice, never quite got the look I
wanted, and gave up on it, figuring the yarn would tell me what it wants to be. So in the newest Knitpicks catalog is the famous Elizabeth Zimmerman Pie Are Square shawl in Shimmer, and I LOVE It. And when I bought my Shimmer I impulsively bought 4 skeins. And the Pie Are Square takes - 4 skeins. And I own a copy of Knitting Around. How cool is that? I think the Shimmer has announced what it wishes to be.

I'm finishing hat six for the Dulaan Project. I swear that is my last hat -
at least for now. I can't promise I won't bring one as hotel mindless knitting on business and to MD. But after I finish this hat, I think I will start an equally mindless but at least different mistake rib scarf in the last of my lovely handpainted Charisma. I'm hoarding this yarn, it's like I can't bear to knit it, but really, that's just plain stupid. Yarn is for enjoying, not for compulsively stashing - at least that's what I tell myself.

I found a yoga class about 7 minutes from my house and earlier in the evening. Next week I think I'll go check it out. I liked the place where Boss gave me the session package for Christmas, but unfortunately, it's over a half hour away, and when you add an hour and a half of class time to over an hour of travel time, that's half a Saturday. I just can't do it. I can, however, drive 7 minutes each way for a one hour class. That's reasonable. I still love my gym, don't get me wrong, but until they are in the new facility they won't have room for stuff like yoga and Pilates, and this place is barely two miles from the gym and offers both, no contract, and a very reasonable price per class. I must check it out.

So it's Wednesday and I'm already looking toward the weekend. Though work hasn't been that bad since I gave up hope - I can do this until the right new job comes along, I no longer feel like I can't drag myself out of bed or dread the office. I think part of my attitude change has been physical - changing my diet, taking my vitamins, and adding ginseng, which honestly does seem to give me a gentle but noticeable boost. Tonight will be an early to bed with the scarf and TV night. Tomorrow evening I will start my Very Scary To Do List, because I'll never get through it all on the weekend.


  1. Sounds like me. I have some lovely cobweb-weight Shetland wool, ordered directly from Scotland, which I haven't yet knit into anything because I don't want to "use it up". I also have fingering-weight Shetland I haven't knit into anything for the same reason.

    I keep worrying I will knit them into something, then kick myself because I could have found something better to knit.

  2. The Woolery is a great place to look for an inkle loom as well as other cool tools and VIDEOS. So is Carolina Homespun and of course there will be other neat places.

    Brooks Farm yarns is really worth a look-see. You really ought to check them out early, 'cause if you wait til the end you'll have to dig deep into your credit. They are to the right on the second little "street" as you go into the fair. wool and mohair which will be too hot for much of your year but if you wanted a really elegant lacy cardigan for self or g-child for those winter soirees and chilly a/c buildings ...
