Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Horoscope ALMOST Nailed It (but not quite).

Thursday, December 13, 2012
You may have high hopes about accomplishing a lot today, but unrealistic work goals could set you up for discouragement as the visionary Sagittarius New Moon lands in your 6th House of Employment. Scaling back makes sense, since biting off more than you can chew won't necessarily make you any more productive. Breaking your tasks down into little steps enables you to rise above your current tendency to promise too much.
 I actually laughed when I read my horoscope, because today's agenda included a session with my broker on goal setting.  I'm an old hag of corporate, so I'm no stranger to setting goals. I've been through every HR-designed fill in the fields system on earth.  I didn't have great expectations about this meeting, because though I've had my license with this office for almost a year already, it has a relaxed, non-corporate vibe I wasn't quite synced up with - until today.  I expected that today would be the day the corporate hammer would come down. I was wrong.  OMG I love my broker soooo much after today.

This was not at all about "Produce or GTFO, we are here to make moneymoneymoney!"  This would not have been unwelcome, because I am reaching do-or-die time in my business. I either need to kick it into high gear, or start hunting for a cube job.  And dammit, I don't WANT a cube job!  I have seen the average real estate agent, and I am WAY smarter, more detail oriented, more business savvy and all around BETTER, and this is what I should be doing!  

But this was not about moneymoneymoney. It was a session on figuring out what you want from life, and what would make you happy, and how much money you need to get there, and oh, btw, what is missing from your life that you need to address to be in balance?   Seriously, this woman could have her own counseling practice if she ever got tired of herding cats mentoring real estate agents.  It was such good stuff, and all came from such a place of sincerity and humor (and she swears nearly as much as I do, so I adore her even more) that I just sat there basking in, "Aaahhh, I've found my place!"  I actually cannot WAIT to sit down and do my goals with her.  It took me almost a year to realize it, but I am where I am meant to be.  It took so long because I just didn't seek out enough time with her.  I am kicking myself, but the past is the past.  It's all about the future.

One of the things she said, after several of us grumbled about how hard it is to think 3 or 5 years out, and that we don't know how to identify a big Dream, was that we need to spend some quiet time thinking about what made us happy as children.  Who were we as kids, before we Grew Up?  Our goals should bring us in balance with those childhood dreams - the money is the tool to get the dream, not the dream itself.

I cannot tell you how much this resonated with me, or how much it harmonized with what I've been thinking about, at this end of the year goal setting time.  I was just thinking this morning, during my quiet morning coffee time, about the things that are out of balance in my life.  Not enough exercise lately.  The fix would be fairly simple: make time for morning walks, and I met a potential perfect yoga instructor a few weeks ago.  My OTHER magical mentoring connection, from a Meetup group, hooked us up, and we have another session scheduled for early January. I'm hoping I can make it, because we have a coaching activity that Saturday. If the timing is right I will do both. 

When considering what made me happy as a kid, two things came up immediately - reading and creating colorful things.  Well, hellooo?  Right now I read business stuff, and feel guilty if I "waste" time knitting!  No wonder I haven't been as productive as I know I can be!  So I will balance my life going forward - fun reading before bed, knitting time, walking, yoga. 

But on the colorful things?  Tomorrow I'm getting a new business head shot taken for the new and stepped-up marketing things I'm launching. And I spent the last week picking through my sorry-ass wardrobe, and none of it seemed right.  It was either ill-fitting or tired looking, and it was all drab, drab, drab.  And I do love color, and I do know what looks good on me, all everyday evidence to the contrary. I know what colors pop on me, what necklines work, etc. I'm not that hopeless. I'm just lazy and cheap - mostly lazy.  But that random discussion on "What made you happy as a child?" brought me back to what always worked - COLOR.  I decided on the spot that I wasn't going to get a business picture I'd be using for the next couple of years taken while wearing drab, dark, sensible.  That is not who I am.

So after our second meeting today, I hit an emergency wardrobe upgrade stop.   I found a royal blue jacket and TWO colorful cowl neck tops to wear under it.  I will decide in the morning whether to go with the blues and greens paisley or the bold, splashy watercolor.  Either will be fabulous, dahlink.

So the horoscope nearly nailed it.  A visionary New Moon did indeed land in my House of Employment, but instead of slowing me down, it gave me a vigorous kick in the right direction.  This is why those sun sign horoscopes often seem so off the mark - yes, I felt the visionary effects of the New Moon like a lightning bolt, but instead of slowing me down, it gave me a clarity and sense of direction I didn't have yesterday. 


Caroline aka FiberTribe said...

Wonderful and thoughtful post, Catherine. You've given me much food for thought for my own life. Ain't it grand how the universe lines up like that? so glad you've found great mentors. Must work on that, too...
And I cannot WAIT to see what you come up with, Colorful Woman!

Catherine said...

My business pictures turned out really nice...I'm happy to use them. But are they ME? I'm far less groomed and far more informal and just messier IRL. It's the formal, posed me, but not ME. They'll do.