Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Restart. Everything. Oh Boy.

So, I joined a new brokerage office yesterday, and that means I spent today on this here computer setting up some new accounts and joining this and thats, and selecting one thing and the other and whatnots. And before I knew it, it was 5 o'clock and I was nowhere near done. It's a lot of set-up and organizing. At my last office they sort of strong-armed the newbies into using their new proprietary contact management/contract system and were dragging the old timers into it kicking and screaming. It will probably be really cool next year but I found it less than fun to use for specific technical reasons I won't bother to enumerate. I'm in a smaller office without that "Dammit, We Cooked Developed This Software JUST for You and YOU WILL EAT USE IT AND LIKE IT!" So I'm going my own way this time, but without the prior experience of this software sampling, which means I will be doing some research. I need to find a user-friendly program I like and can set up and use without burning too many brain cells, and, of course, afford. I have some possibilities in mind and I'll investigate those tomorrow, and there's one I suspect I'll choose when I get tired of comparing.

Today was business cards and contacting the local board to ask how I transfer from out of state, and then the former board to get something they could email to me in an hour when they finally do respond. I'm kicking myself hard that I didn't look into what I would need and contact them a month ago, because their track record for response time has been less than stellar for me. (But of course a month ago we were in the holidays, and the odds of a swift response would have been even smaller.) I WILL be calling them tomorrow, and keep on calling until they get back to me.

So, right now I am juggling a million tiny but important balls and keeping a notebook handy to jot down these random things I need to do/look into/call about/etc.

I was faced with having to either revive a moribund work domain name or set up a new one, and domains is cheap. So I called my son, he of the master's degree in this stuff, and asked him for guidance re hosting and pricing, and then we talked about this and that and when they will get away to come down and visit, and then he put Supergirl on the phone. She wanted to show me her orca toy and tell me about it. We will set up a time to Skype.

A while back, I gave her a dozen cute tub toys - little plastic sea creatures - and she has now learned the names of all of them. The whales aren't just whales, there is the blue whale and the orca. She can imitate whale songs. The stuffed penguin toy I sent her for Christmas is one of her favorite things. She is excited by all things ocean while growing up in the mountains. That's amusing enough, but not as much as a not quite two year old able to identify sea creatures by their proper names. I just sit back and cackle - good luck finding a school for that one.

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