Friday, January 27, 2012

Why Am I Still Sitting at This Desk?

It's Friday night, and time to par-tay. Or something.

It's been a productive week - since Monday (which feels like a really, really long time ago) I:
1) joined a new office;
2) joined the local Board of Realtors;
3) scheduled important other stuff related to 1) and 2);
and also did
4) through around 37) other things large and small that related to the above in some way or other.

I joined a class at the new office (class isn't really the right word, but I'll go with it for now) and in the first five minutes was handed an awesome form for data collection (vs. prospect, prospect, rah-rah-rah! wait, I am not going to rant about most real estate training). I will save and treasure and use this form for evers. Seriously. I am in love with a form, because it is my dream form, at least for now. I may add my own categories for neighborhood information, but as a starting place, it made my geeky little information gathering self squeal with joy. I will copy it and save it and make it my mission to create my own encyclopedia of neighborhood knowledge. It's the sort of thing I was trying to do on my own and it was handed to me in the perfect format, tah-dah!! I don't want to spend my days re-inventing the wheel, and it's so lovely when someone hands me just the wheel I wanted.

On the downside - Murphy is yet again having Issues. He's still his bouncy, bossy little self, he's hopping up and raring to go whenever I suggest a walk, etc., but he's back to pure liquid poopies yet again, and twice I found his last meal had been rejected half-digested. (Apparently this was Stain the Carpet Week and I missed the memo.) I've put him back on the daily dose of meds, and if we don't turn a corner this weekend, I think next week we'll be back at the vet. Normally prednisolone snaps him back within 72 hours. If he's not doing better by Monday I'll be taking him in.

Oh, and I ran out of printer ink and came home with a new printer. My little ole printer is no longer one of the newer, popular models, and the ink for it has jumped up to You Gotta Be Kidding Me. I already had the printer on the list of things I needed to upgrade when I was faced with spending $78 for ink cartridges for a $99 printer that has never been more than barely adequate.

Long story short - I left the store with a new wireless printer scanner copier fax with a document feeder and all that jazz, the ink is much cheaper and the cartridges last much longer, and after the sale price and trade-in rebate, this lovely new upgraded fancy professional grade printer cost me...$99. Just what I paid for the grumpy and now expensive to feed little printer at Walmart a few years ago. And I had the pleasure of dealing with a really awesome salesman who was funny and relaxed and above all knowledgeable. He didn't even try to sell me a printer, just answered my questions about the ink and went off to help someone else while I stood there contemplating. I browsed the printers myself, then found him to ask questions. He looked at the one I was considering and pointed me to another model by the same manufacturer and on sale for the same price, that had a few more useful features. He described the practical benefits of those features, answered my questions as I mulled the two...and I walked out feeling really good about my new printer. That's what sales should be. Know your stuff, help people make up their minds.

So, it was a good week - the million little loose ends of start-up will get done. I will be patient and quit fretting over it. Okay, I will try.


  1. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Here's hoping Murphy's problems settle quickly. Greetings from Ace and Fred. I think Fred has forgotten ever living anywhere else.

    You will get a lot of work out of a decent printer-combo, just think of the lovely job it will do of your new form. Just joking, a good printer is not a luxury for you, it is a 'tool of the trade'. But aren't the prices amazing, when I look back at the rotten little thermal ink fax-printers that our business bought about 20 years ago and cost 750 of the best EACH. Now have a dear little Brother that does everything we need here at home and it cost about 120, and is the cheapest to 'feed' with ink. The business leases a ginormous Xerox, but they need to print technical drawings etc.

    Best of luck on all fronts,

    Gae, in Callala Bay

  2. Oh, God, I'm so amazed that even in a few years I could find a deal for a printer that is light years ahead of the little cranky inkaholic for the same price! I have an office system I can use, or use a commercial printer for big jobs. Just being able to whip out a fast contract copy or two from my desk in my pajamas is a huge step up, because I'm working at 6:30 a.m. some days.

  3. And yay, Fred! you have landed in the best new house! Sophie took about a week to adjust here.

  4. Anonymous10:11 PM

    But Fred, true Terrier that he is, still occasionally tries for Top Dog status (with us, not with Ace). He needs regular reminders that you catch more flies with honey......!

    But he is a beaut little dog, fit as a flea, and a stand-up comic to boot.

    Gae, in Callala Bay
