Tuesday, February 15, 2011

And the Dramatic Conclusion to the RE School Cliffhanger....

for all six of you who give a damn.

We did have a class today. We had a make-up class today, and we'll take the final on Thursday - we still don't know how they'll handle it if somebody fails the test, because under their contract they promised to stick with their students until they passed. And our being offered even this much is still kinda suspect - it turns out one of my classmates decided not to wait around for them to officially be in default and called the Real Estate Commission on them as soon as the website went down and the phone was disconnected.

This led to a series of phone calls, and now, hey, look, there is a plan for the school to honor their contractual commitments to us! Of course they intended to do that all along! Riiight. How they will fulfill this remains to be seen - supposedly someone will tell us this plan when we meet for the exam. It definitely looks like they are making it up as they go along - but whatever. I'll be studying hard tomorrow, and intend to pass and never have to deal with their plan for follow-up. Even with this opportunity to finish, they still left a class full of pissed-off and disgusted people - the handling of this situation was beyond unprofessional.

But whatever - the weather is lovely, I'll study hard, I'll take the test Thursday, I'll walk in the sunshine. I am NOT going to stress over this idiocy another minute.


  1. What a cock-up. Mighty glad you have a chance to take the exam though. now go study.

  2. AND EXHALE! Wow, thinking of you and willing you to sail through the test, sweetie :)

  3. Anonymous6:46 PM

    My, my. I do hope they can keep it together long enough to grade the test and report the results. Study, pass, I will be pulling for you so you can dust them off your boots. sheesh.

    And yes, even if there are only 6 of us who care, we still pull for you!


  4. The grading will be done immediately and the certificates issued before we leave the building. And I was only estimating the six of you - the hit count is way higher, but I think a lot of people read this blog out of morbid curiosity (what on earth is going to happen to this woman next?).

  5. This would not be a good time to be running a real estate school, I suppose. Glad it's falling apart late in your process - I expect you will do well on the exam and won't have to think about it again. You sure have plenty of opportunity to try your resilience!

  6. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Not reading for morbid curiosity - you are a great writer!

    And good luck on the exam ...

  7. Anonymous11:27 PM

    good luck with the exam-I'm sure you'll do fine.

  8. caroline12:12 AM

    glad you're at least getting to finish. will be in town tomorrow, mid-afternoon. talk soon?

  9. No matter how busy I get, I always figure out a way to find time to see what you're doing, even if it's only once every few weeks. I used to read many, many blogs, regularly. Now I'm down to three: (the panopticon, CAP, and you). You continually--continuously? I never remember which one to choose--inspire me and make me slap myself upside my own head when I think I "can't do something."
    Onward, Fellow Cancerian. You will pass the exam and be fabulous while doing so. Of this I am certain.

  10. We all stop by here to see how you deal with life's ups and downs and sideways, with grace and good humor, and maybe a little sprinkle of @#^&**(@!.

    And the dogs are cute, too.

  11. Anonymous4:32 PM

    And when you have passed the exam, and have your certificate firmly gripped in your hot little hand, tell them this from an Aussie:

    "May all your chooks turn into emus and kick your dunny down"

    chooks = hens
    dunny = outhouse

    Gae, in Callala Bay

  12. There are more than six of us! As far as I'm concerned I came back first because of your writing style, then because of Murphy (now Sophie too), and who can resist Supergirl? Oh yeah, your life is very interesting (not only in the Chinese curse kind of way) and I feel like I'm reading letters from a friend... It's Thursday evening here, Thursday afternoon where you are, and I'm sending positive vibes your way!
