Saturday, June 17, 2006

Please, let it be suds lock.*

I haven't actually experienced suds lock but I'm familiar with the phenomenon. So it's not even 7 a.m. and I have been bailing the washer. I re-started it. I'm listening, hoping to hear the lovely sound of spinning and draining.
Please, please, please, let it be suds lock. I know I didn't use too much detergent, I know I am using the same detergent I always use, but let it be suds lock anyway.
I really don't want to have to go buy appliances this weekend. Maybe in a few weeks. Let me experience a few weeks without a new debt.

*Edited: It's not suds lock.

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuckity-fuck-fuck-fuck.

Sears is having a sale, no interest for 12 months and free delivery. Paying off credit cards is highly overrated anyway.

1 comment:

  1. I left you a post and it disappeared. But mostly what I said was that I was glad you got the camera first. Everyone is entitled to have things in their life that give them joy, and no dying appliance should be allowed to spoil that. Yes?
