Saturday, June 17, 2006

The Curse of the Camera Strikes.

Back in the day, when we were raising kids, my husband came up with the $600 or $2000 theory - if we had $600 left over at the end of the month, a $600 thing would break. If we somehow had $2000, a $2000 thing would break.

I spent the washer/dryer money on a camera, and the washer got so pissed that its retirement would be postponed another month or two, its pump seized up.

It was well past its time. 15 years of almost daily use (and only two service calls in that time) out of what was a basic, cheap, heavy duty Kenmore pair that was used and abused and moved several times - that is quite a good run. I have been talking about buying a new set for months anyway. So I really didn't mind going to Sears and breaking out the credit card (no interest until July 2007 and I'll have it paid off long before then) and plunking down Almost Exactly What I Just Spent On The Camera for a new set. A nicer set. A set with delicate and knit settings, and a moisture sensor in the dryer, and a drying rack, and actually I'm quite excited about them.

Then I stopped in Barnes and Noble and picked up the new Knitter's. I hadn't bought a Knitter's in a long time, I would thumb through it and put it back. This issue has things I will actually make - not just idly think about making and then never get around to it, which is the case with nearly all of my knitting magazine collection. I am putting the magazine mountain up for sale as soon as I get a little breathing room in my life. I've looked through them and found maybe a dozen I'll keep, because they really have things I will make.

But back to the new Knitter's: the shawl on the cover is probably a bit out of my attention span right now, but it's lovely! Several things in this issue are unlike their usual dreck.

P. 49 - Aqua Cascade. I like very much.
P. 50 - Flannel Garden. Cute.
P. 56 - Latte. I like very much, and I'm mentally searching the stash for a yarn of the right weight.
P. 66 - Paperback Rider. Yes, the bag lady zeroed in on this. It's adorable. It screams for some Kureyon.
P. 68 - BonBon. yes to the tank, WTF??? to the other thing.
P. 70 - French Market Duo. Adore the bag. Totally love it, must make it, will make it very very soon. I need a summer bag to carry my odds and ends to the office, and this would be drop-dead perfect. The wrap, otoh, is an abomination.
P. 76 - Persimmon Lace. Lovely!

The rest didn't appeal to me, but for Knitter's, that's a really unusual number of non-misses.

Meanwhile, the stress level around here in the past week has had a negative effect on my healthy lifestyle and thus on my ass. I've been so wound up and stressed I'm snacking (I'm not normally a snacker) and wishing I could have a truck come by and pump pinot grigio into a chilled tank in the garage.

I realized that if I don't get my act together it won't be long before I'm waddling into a rehab facility in a muu-muu and flip flops, with a bottle of pinot grigio in one hand and a pint of Ben and Jerry's in the other.

So I'm turning to yarn, the no-calorie treat. I need something soft, and beautiful, and easy on the brain. So even though it's hot, hot, hot, I broke out the swift and wound the Lion and Lamb for my Tuscany Clapotis. Oh my God, that colorway is stunning. Stunning. The hanks don't do it justice, you have to wind it to see it in a lovely glowing jeweled cake of yarn to really appreciate the artistry of the color combination. It's amazing. I can't wait to start it, and will start it this weekend.


  1. Pretty much agree with what you said on the designs, with the exception of the Aqua Cascade. That one just doesn't do it for me.

    I also liked Sweet Pea, Penny Royal, Espresso, and Infinity And…

    French Lilac would be nice if it had some fit rather than just hanging there, and Verdigris—what did they do to the fit of the shoulders from Penny Royal? It looks awful. The only good thing is the colour.

  2. Ahem. I believe I told you months ago when you were planning a scarf for DD's red winter jacket, that you would LOVE the Tuscany colorway. It's so you!

    I can't wait til this spiffy lux camera arrives so I can SEE the Lion and Lamb :)

  3. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Congratulations on 15 years without having to buy another washer and dryer. This means your car's transmission is next on the list, but still.

    "No-calorie treat." LOL

  4. They put shoulder pads on the model wearing Verdigris. It looks like she's modeling a sweater a size too large, so they padded the shoulders to help give it shape. Always a bad sign. Also a very bad 80s flashback. The model wearing French Lilac is wearing shoulder pads too - makes me think they had to cheat to give it that jacket-y line and it's really saggier.

    Yes, Debi, I totally adore the Tuscany. In fact, as soon as I get a little more coffee in me, I'm going to go start it. Today's mission is to clean the garage in preparation for the new washer and dryer!! Yaaay!

  5. I bought the same issue of KNitter, and I haven't bought one is a while. I tend to be a one trick pony. I will knit just hats for ever. Then I will knit just fingerless mitts, for a while. I knit small things since I have a short attention span.

  6. I prefer to call that "focused on a single directive," it sounds so much more positive when translated into corporatespeak. I'm on a Flat Knitting Directive. If it's not a shawl or a scarf it is not on my performance plan. This is due for re-evaluation. Before that was the Sock Period, and before that was the very intense Felting Era.

  7. No, I am not going to go by Knitter's this month, no no non no..*cough*

    I'm glad you got the camera before the stupid washer kicked. Washers are handy but they should not rule the budget; it's just unseemly that they should.

    In short, yurrah for you and yurrah for fun.

  8. Anonymous9:44 AM

    That theory works in my house too. At least you got a nice w/d set and a good deal!

    And OMG, I can't believe you called it "magazine mountain" - that is what my DH calls my stacks, I'd never heard that except from him!
