Friday, October 21, 2005

All-Righty Then!

Landfall looks to be near or just south of Ft Myers around 2PM Monday --with the storm passing just over or north of Lake Okeechobee, then coming off the coast between not far south of Melbourne by 7PM. As mentioned several times this week, since the storm will be moving rather fast by then (30mph+), the net result will be very strong wind gusts to the right of the storm center, with significantly lower wind speeds observed to the left of the storm center.

So sayeth the Sage of Storm Shit, Steve Gregory.

Melbourne? Melbourne??? When the hell did Melbourne get into this discussion? I'm still to the left of the storm center, at least so far. But exiting over Melbourne is not at all like exiting over Ft. Lauderdale, likelihood-of-losing-lectricity-wise, for moi. And this is moi's blog, so moi's sweating-in-the-dark meter is now tilting a bit past the middle line. Not much past, and I repeat, this doesn't sound all that scary. Save your anxiety for Mexico, the Yucatan is getting the crap kicked out of it right now. Wilma will be worn out after that. For me it will be a storm day off work and maybe blow drying at the office if they have power and I don't. We're studiously avoiding the local newscritters - it's not the weather bunnies, who as a whole are remarkably professional and not whipping anybody into a frenzy, it's the anchor poodles. Their topknots are quivering with excitement, they try to look all Serious but their little tails are wagging furiously, and occasionally we get a poodle in a slicker, standing on a beach around Naples, getting spritzed by outer bands. They can do this for hours and hours, it amuses them endlessly. A hurricane is like the world's greatest squeaky toy for the local newscritters. A hurricane is the best reason for cable EVER.

I'll be killing cat hair with a vengeance this weekend. If The Sage is wrong, I get a really clean house and the storm goes elsewhere. I can live with that. I can't live with humid cat hair. The dogfarts will be bad enough.

And how happy am I to be knitting with linen? So very, very happy. Though I may have to cast on a washcloth in something light in color that will show up in camping lantern light, just in case. The eggplant shawl is about halfway done and I'm still addicted in a really disturbing way, but these middle-aged eyes can't do that by a camping lantern, even a nice bright one at my elbow.

It's almost Halloween. This hurricane is just so wrong, on so many levels.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:12 AM

    It IS so wrong. Check this out!ACK!
