Thursday, October 20, 2005

Wilma, Wilma, Wilma!

It is, of course, All Wilma, All the Time on the news here, and storm fatigue is setting in early. Let's get this over with.

It's raining here, though I don't think this is Wilma's work - we're supposed to start feeling her presence tomorrow. It's somewhat amusing we're two or three days out, supposedly, and yet landfall is still iffy, though it looks like Naples. The usually wiser and cooler heads are predicting a much weakened Wilma making landfall in FL, though the level of news hysteria has ratcheted up since Katrina, it's still too early to tell whether freaking out is in order - certainly if I lived in Naples or Ft. Myers, or even up to Tampa, I'd have a full tank of gas, a mental inventory of stuff to pack, and cash and important papers at the ready. We'll see.

As insurance that Wilma will weaken and wimp out, I picked up some extra charcoal (to heat water for morning coffee, because I will not do without that) and sandwich meat. We've got water, battery-powered camping lanterns, spare batteries, pet food, etc. That's just in case the prognostication is wrong and it takes a Charley-like hook over us and we lose power. Otherwise, this is not my drama. Pay attention to other people's stories. But at least I learned from last year - when the power's out, cat hair makes the sticky air even more sticky. I was never so appalled by my "casual" housekeeping until the power went out for days and I was sitting here sweating and extremely conscious of every molecule of dust and follicle of cat hair, because sweat is sticky. I felt like a Human Swiffer. It was gross. I'll be spending Saturday on a fierce housecleaning mission, just in case - all the laundry will be done, every surface will be squeaky clean, because 5 days without power in the heat and humidity was UGLY.

Dudley story: Dudley has discovered the Dog in the Mirror over my dresser. First he barked at that handsome Boston, till Girlchild held him up and put his paw on the Boston's paw, then he grew silent and confused. Now he sits on the end of my bed and talks to the dog in the mirror - a low, grrwowrowmmmrrroowgggrrrrr muttering that is just too adorable. He appears to understand, on some level, that the dog in the mirror is himself, but he can't figure out how that works so he keeps talking about it. He's just too damn adorable.

I'm going to make the Boys sweaters - Murphy has long since outgrown the puppy sweater I still stuff him into on chilly days, and Dudley is a shorthaired breed, his coat is so fine it provides no warmth at all. The boys need nice fuzzy soft Lamb's Pride sweaters. Dudley's will be bright red, Murphy's will be blue, but I may make them contrast - blue with red trim, red with blue trim. I have a basic pattern, but I'm tempted to pop for PuppyKnits. Just for inspiration - and because it sounds like Jil Eaton is on my wavelength. I was thinking of a nice felted wool sweater for damp days, because there is nothing sadder than a chilly wet Yorkie - and lo, this book has one. Hmmmm.

The thing that stops me: I think I'm burned out on knitting mags, knitting books, etc. Or maybe it's just the latest crop - too much novelty yarn, too many things that remind me of things I've seen elsewhere. Too little shaping, too much bulk. I thumbed through the season's knitting mags and bought...none. That's the first time in at least 5 years that I didn't pick up at least Vogue or IK out of habit. Maybe I'll make the dogs the sweaters from my basic, generic pattern, and contemplate PuppyKnits a while longer.


  1. Anonymous10:17 PM

    I was sitting at work today, knitting, and thought, I need to write a knitting book called Just Plain Knitting, for those who want basic, clean patterns. No frou-frou, no damn fizzy crap, just nice, simple patterns. But I won't. I get tried of all the trendy crap.

  2. Yeah, you know, the books I use most are the basic ones - the Ann Budd "Knitter's Handy Book of Patterns," etc. I love Sweater Wizard, especially now that the program has been upgraded to calculate waist shaping. The magazines all look alike to me - novelty yarn, garish colors and big, bulky designs that flatter no one. I think the trendiness of knitting caused a flood on the market of look-alike crap, because they are "feeding the beast" - it seems you can write a book about anything knitting-related these days and somebody will publish it. Maybe a selection of patterns for boring conference calls would sell? ;-)

  3. Are you familiar with Adrienne Vitadini's designs? She has very classic looking stuff, with beautiful lines. There are some unusual angles in some of them, but just unusual enough to be eyecatching - she doesn't forget that the body underneath is important. She's probably my favorite designer....

  4. I subscribe to IK and Knitter's for inspiration, maybe...and the sock patterns :)

    Today I assured Wilma will not strike South Florida...I needed to go to Publix for "hurricane stuff" yet AGAIN...I broke the lace on my sneakers and as it was raining I refused to wear anything else..found the new laces, misplaced my car keys...found the keys, got out the door, phone rang, back inside...get down to my car to find it blocked in by a visitor!...wait for moron, um visitor to leave, finally able to arrive at Publix at 5 pm instead of the 3 pm I planned with every other panicked knucklehead in Ft. Lauderdale, spend 2 hours "picking up a few things" after all that angst and my complete preparedness, I've assured there will be NO HURRICANE in South Florida :)

    Love the Dudly story!

    I think MagKnits has a cute doggy sweater, not felted tho.

  5. You're more likely to get Wilma-ed than I am at this point, but it's funny how nobody can say how it's going to affect us. Our SW FL office is closed Monday, we're on a "look out the window Monday and we'll think about it then," plan for our office. As long as we are both prepared, the storm will go somewhere else.

    Funny you should mention MagKnits, I was going to link to them in my next post - I saw a scarf on there that Girlchild has put on her wish list.

  6. I love Adrienne Vittadini's stuff, Amie, those are the few pattern books I look forward to!
