Saturday, August 28, 2004

I would say this was a totally wasted day, but it wasn't - I did a few productive things. Finished latest felted pouch and felted it - photos to follow. Moved BOXES of Goodwill-bound stuff to garage for ease of loading into car. Didn't actually get them to Goodwill, because it's really freaking hot out there and I didn't have the energy to schlep in the heat. Did all the laundry, yes, it's true, the hamper is Totally Empty. This includes "wash alone while chanting something soothing" items. And have cranked through about six inches of the back of Plain Jane, my oatmeal-colored Plymouth Galway cardigan, pattern whipped up via Sweater Wizard. stockinette V-neck raglan, it don't get no duller than this, but this is something that I can actually either stick in the back of my car and USE or give to Girl to stick in the back of HER car and USE. I'm sorry, we're not Koigu Technicolor types for anything but flashy accessories, a sweater is a functional object we put on occasionally to avoid feeling cold in our world, and as such it just needs to blend discreetly into the wardrobe, like a faithful old retainer.

I really do like this Galway - it's a really meat and potatoes basic worsted, but when the sunlight hits it, it has a subtle glow - not a flashy glow, but a richness that is amazing in a yarn the color of oatmeal. It's going to be a Nice Sweater. Not an impress anybody sweater, but one that will get used.

Oh, and not that we don't already love The Boys, but today I was waiting for the mail in my depleted "work a little, knit a little" state and thought, "Hmmm, if they got the mail out, I might have my stuff today..." and sure 'nuff, the Interweave crochet mag and the Black Sheep Bags Amanda backpack pattern were in the mailbox. Lansing MI to a burb of Orlanduh in 48 hours. The only customer service to equal this IME is when I get my tea and herbs from Lucinda at Glenbrook Farms. So they are my Go To sources for anything fiberly or herbal, period. I can't wait to cast on for an Amanda - I have just enough of my favorite deep dark purple Cascade 220 - so dark it looks blackish in photos - to whip one up soon. I read through the pattern and it's very clear and simple. I'm on board.

Interweave's Crochet mag was like their knitting mag for me - I'm more interested in the articles than the patterns. I did like the tapestry crochet bag, that is certainly a keeper, and I'd make the crocheted skirt in something rich and dark and line it in black and wear it out in the evening. Nothing else jumped out and screamed Make Me. I didn't hate anything, it's just not what I feel moved to make.

OTOH, the tapestry crochet article was cool, the explanation of Tunisian crochet was good, it's a nice magazine and I hope they keep up with it.

Oh, speaking of On Board, Murphy is making the road trip next weekend to visit Girlchild. Boy's work schedule makes dogsitting impossible, and though eventually I will have to hire a petsitter to deal with work trips, Girlchild said to just bring him up with me. I can leave copious crunchies and water for the cats, I'll only be gone 48 hours, they can manage, though they will be crabby when I get back. Dogs are high maintenance, you have to bring in a sitter or bring the dog. Murphy was very needy on his last trip to Tally - huge Separation Anxiety, screamed like he was being murdered if I got out of sight - but then it was right after he lost his Daddy, and since then Mommy has gone away and come back countless times. I'm hoping he's over it and it's not a matter of just being in a New Place, because he really does have to get over that, or Mommy's gonna be leaving home without him regularly, his name ain't American Express. Girlchild points out that the current place is furnished and a Real House, and contains male persons, and Murphy loves men - he misses his Daddy and goes nuts when he gets male attention. So yes, this should work - a few belly rubs from the guys and he'll be in love. We'll see how this works.

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