I'm very tired. Battling the forces of corporate idiocy all week leaves one quite drained by Friday. The only good news was that Boss was as wiped out as I was. Not that I'm gleeful to see him as tired as I am, but for years we've had this problem where our energy ran on opposite cycles. Our biorhythms were so out of sync, if I was exhausted I just knew he'd be bouncing around, cranking on six projects at once and plotting three more, with me struggling to keep up. I could count on it - if I was tired, he was manic, and vice versa. Lately things have been better, apparently after 11 years we have finally achieved harmony in our manic cycles, and today we were both drained and only did two things at once instead of six. Thank God, and I hope it wasn't a fluke.
So what does one do, knitting-wise, when one is very tired? This one is going to take to her bed with TV and yarn and swatch for a neutral Everyday Cardigan kinda thing. I don't remember where I saw it, but someone had a button for a Charlotte Knit Behind. I love the Knit Behind, that is my speed. Everybody else gets on the knitalong wagon, making Charlottes and leg warmers and Everyday Cardigans, and I get around to making something like that six or so months later. Maybe.
But anyway, I was walking Himself this evening and though it is hot and icky and sticky and miserable, I realized that it is also almost September, and when November arrives I will actually want a sweater to wear while walking Himself, and to wear to the office, and to wear with everything - a keep in the backseat of the car sweater, too. So maybe I need two neutral sweaters. Hence, the swatching for a Plain Jane neutral cardigan in a non-shedding yarn. The Stash has plenty of choices, no reason to shop.
But I have been shopping for books. I took advantage of KR's newsletter discount at Knit Picks and ordered books - Jo Sharp Family Book 7, Cable Needle Freedom, and Mindful Knitting. I wanted the books anyway, why not get them this week with the little extra discount and the free shipping? Yep. I understand the theory of cables without cable needles, but I was intrigued by the description of the book, and I'm in the mood for cables anyway. Mindful Knitting just sounds like my speed, easy, meditative projects.
I have almost finished another felted pouch from Weekend Knits - they are so much fun. I wasn't sure I liked my color choices for this one but I think that after felting it will be quite nice. I may get it done this weekend.
Right now I shall go swatch. And fall asleep stupidly early.
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