Monday, June 24, 2024

Finally, a Baby Update! And a MAGA encounter in the wild.

The little prince is thriving and eating like a horse, growing like a weed, hasn't needed oxygen for weeks, but was still wearing the oxygen monitor as a precaution. But today was the day he saw the cardiologist for another echocardiogram and exam. AND....

He did indeed grow out of the heart defect! He'll have another echo in two months just to be sure there are no surprises, but no more wearing a monitor, etc. The cardiologist thinks he's just fine, the second echo is just double checking as he continues to grow. As my daughter put it, they finally have "a cordless baby." Seriously, they've been dealing with oxygen and monitoring since he was born, and he's finally free of the last piece, the monitor!

An excellent early birthday present for his Grandma, for sure. I turn 66 (!!!) on Friday, and we're going out to a baby-friendly venue at Disney (DUH!) for dinner. It's a sit down dining place at a gorgeous resort, but because that resort is at Disney and there will be characters there, babies are totally welcome. Although it is character dining, the menu is the same as it was back when it was a fancy signature dining restaurant. Except now we get to meet the Evil Queen! 

Although it may seem like I spend a lot of time at Disney, because I do, I've actually never visited Wilderness Lodge or dined here. It's a first for all of us and I'm excited! And Sebastian will meet his first Disney characters!

So, about the MAGA sighting in the wild....

It was "the wild" if the seafood counter at the supermarket counts. 

I was walking by and heard a loud male voice droning on and on. I caught a few words and yep, we got a MAGA moron! He was holding the lady working the seafood counter hostage as he revealed all of the "truths" "THEY" don't want you to know, like January 6th WAS NOT AN INSURRECTION! THAT'S A MADE UP STORY! (Except that there were cameras and we all watched that shit go down in real time.) He went on and on, but the part that made me both sad and mad was that he knew "THE SUPREME COURT WILL SAVE US! WE (the fascist MAGA fucks) HAVE THE COURT!" 

Of all the crazy fascist bullshit he was spouting, he's right about that. 

I heard a remarkable amount of his crazy shit in the few minutes it took me to grab my frozen salmon from the nearby case and go on my way. He was INTENSE and SHOUTY and it was obvious that he spends his days in his recliner with his friends at Fox News, and apparently had discovered the even more fringe right wing sites as well. It was a high pressure hose of bullshit, aimed at the poor seafood counter woman as he clearly intended to bring her to his cause. I don't know if she knows him and is as nuts as he is or what, but she listened politely.

So, what did this guy look like? About what you'd expect. White, very overweight, in his 70s, had a cane propped in the shopping cart, ain't no way he's storming anything in his imaginary revolution. I'm sure he's on both Medicare and Social Security and would call you a liar if you told him his cult wants to do away with both. And I started wondering about his home life, if he has kids is he on speaking terms with them, etc. It would be sad if he wasn't so goddamn angry and hateful.

It's also really scary when you remember that he and his kind will be voting in November. 

Eddie is at my side, yodeling at me to get up from my desk and go sit on the couch with the dogs, and I must obey. Tomorrow is his Gotcha Day! I brought him home on June 25 last year.

It was like he always lived here.

Anyway, this Birthday Week is off to an excellent start already.


  1. Happy Birthday! Have a great time at Disney. Wonderful news about your grandson.

  2. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Thanks! I kinda thought it would be good news based on his not needing any additional oxygen for weeks, but it's wonderful to make it official. - Catherine

  3. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Happy Birthday Catherine, a cordless grandson! Best present ever! (Not That) Joan
