Saturday, March 23, 2024

About 8 Weeks to Grandson.

When I saw his first ultrasound I marveled that anyone could make heads or tails (literally) out of what to me looked like a sea turtle. This one is clearly a baby. A BIG baby. I blame his parents, they've been joking about him playing football so he got serious about growing and is working out obsessively. Jokes about him being born with his learner's permit and a mustache are starting to seem like predictions. 😂

He's due sometime in May. His official due date is I think May 27, but the doctors say there's a fair chance he'll be induced a week or two earlier, because yes, he's already big and growing steadily, as well as kicking the shit out of his poor mom, because football tryouts are on his mind. I hope nobody's buying newborn sized baby clothing. 

We are going to try to get in another family Disney trip before his arrival, because my daughter is all for waddling around as much as possible between now and launch day, to get him to assume launch position and get ready to blast off. Right now he's lounging around transverse. There's still plenty of time to get him into position, but as my daughter pointed out, there's a chance he'll run out of room to make the turn. She's using a yoga ball and walking to encourage him to shift his ass.

Both my kids were c-sections (one an emergency when induction nearly killed him) and the second was scheduled because she was over 9 lbs. I'm 5'5". I had to argue with my doctor about her size; he insisted she wasn't that big and I was "just fat." No shit, he actually said that to me. I said a polite version of "You asshole, this isn't my first pregnancy and I can feel the weight of this child, this is not a 7 lb. baby." He scoffed, but scheduled a planned c-section.

I was awake for it, and it was actually kind of fun. They had Billy Joel (did I mention this was the 80s?) on the sound system, and it was all chill and amazing, so unlike my son's scary emergency entry into the world. They set up a mirror so I could watch, and invited a few interns in to observe. When the doctor lifted my daughter out, I heard one of the young doctors say, "Whoa, look at the SIZE of that baby!" And I felt the smug satisfaction of vindication, because "I TOLD YOU SO two months ago, asshole!"

Obviously obstetrics has advanced enormously since I had my kids in the dark ages of the early 80s, and I'm delighted that this little guy and his mama are getting amazingly attentive care. They were concerned about gestational diabetes, and she's been pricking her finger for testing 4x a day for the last week or so. (She doesn't have gestational diabetes.) They'll revisit his size and position in a few weeks and plan his entry into the world. 

Sebastian Antonio is on the way.  It's surreal.

His big sister Delaney has come around to the idea that her little brother won't impinge on her life all that much, so she's on board. 

I am already putting money aside for another cruise next spring, when I plan to be RETIRED. Because damn, I've done my time in Corporate America, without the pensions and stuff the previous generation could count on. I may be parking cars at Disney, with a smile on my face.



T.T.J. said...

Love the baby's name! Congratulations to all. Hope the baby moves around to the correct position but there are alternatives.

Anonymous said...

Sebastian because they like it; Antonio is I believe a grandfather/great grand on both sides. He'll be Baz.