Saturday, July 16, 2005

When in doubt, start another charity hat.

We were slammed with another torrential and violent storm Thursday evening, and this one took out the power to half our street for over 4 hours. We were in the dark half. So Girl and I went to dinner and then to the bookstore, where I picked up Knitting magazine, a UK publication I'd never purchased before. A nice magazine, a few cute patterns but nothing that set me afire - the baby pullover with the cables is definitely a keeper - it was a kit in an ad that really caught me: the Mermaid Jacket from I know I said I wouldn't buy any yarn for a whole year, but...damn, I may have to break that promise for this kit. I LOVE this jacket more than anything I've seen anywhere in a long, long time - such a flattering style, and it looks like the sort of simple, clever construction I really enjoy most. I just can't decide whether I like the blues and greens or the reds and oranges the best. I really, really like this jacket. Really.

I'm so angst-filled at breaking my no yarn vow, I felt motivated to cast on a tot-sized roll-brim hat for charity. Because using less than one skein of Cascade 220 from the stash to make a wee hat will totally assuage the guilt of buying the Hanne Falkenburg kit (as you can see, I'm talking myself into it). So - the reds/oranges or the blues/greens?


  1. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Blues/greens, definately!

  2. Hmm... You're a blue-eyed blonde, right? At least, that's what I have in my head.

    I would say that colourways 8 and 9--at least that much of such intense colours--might cause you to fade into the background. They suit someone with darker colouring better.

    Any of the rest would look good on someone with your colouring. Colourways 2, 4, and 7 would look great on someone who's fair.

    1, 3, and 6 are also nice, but a little "meh" for my taste.

  3. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Once when I got a promotion at my job, I went and bought a new hat to celebrate. Still have and love that hat. Can you use getting your new job as justification for buying this kit? You ought to celebrate in some way.

  4. Not a blonde, I'm brunette with blue eyes. I look good in any jewel colors and blues and greens. I think the blue and green combo is going to win.

  5. Ah, similar colouring! I'm a fair-skinned brunette with green eyes. I sunburn at a fireworks display.

    Like you, I look good in jewel tones, blues, greens, and blue-greens. I love yellow and can wear lemon or canary yellow. Orange if it's something like tangerine. Very clear colours. I stay away from yellow-greens, mustards, golds, and basically any colours that are "muddy".

  6. I'm fairly fair and sunburn easily under the FL broiler (SPF 30 is a daily must) but not that delicate, my coloring is more golden than pinky-pale. My daughter has the rosy pale coloring. I can wear strong colors, and I'm thinking about what colors I wear most and what I want the jacket to coordinate with. The basics of my wardrobe, honestly, are denim, black, white and khaki. Accents are reds and turquoise and purple and certain pinks. Either the blue or the blue green jacket would certainly work, but I am just drawn to the red. I can wear that red.

  7. Oh, yeah. You can wear that red, and you may find it more workable than the blue-green.

    The blue-white and grey colourways are nice, but they come off as a little dull, at least in the photos.
