Friday, June 24, 2005

Major crush. Can we just make him emperor or something?

Barack Obama.

Because this whole electing people thing seems to have broken down badly lately.


  1. Anonymous11:08 PM

    I am so with you on the crush. He makes me want to be a better person, and I want to sit at his feet and bear his children. I would vote for him for president in '08, simply because of the hope he personifies. If the Dems are smart, they will not play politics with whose turn it is to run, and push this man and his agenda of hope and possibility.

  2. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Hi there, read the speech and loved it so much that I sent it to my dad. He wrote me back with some rather disturbing points. Take them for what you will.

    Dear Daughter...

    According to the information I have been able to gather over the past couple of years; two things that Sen. Obama seems to do very well is to (1) spin facts like a top and (2) give spellbinding speeches. He is described by the NYT as a very sharp political pragmatist, out for power. He is being touted by the national republican political king makers as a candidate for the first black president. His voting record (Senate) indicates many of his positions are just shy of Gengas Khan. He talks about education as the step that will give people their “chance” yet he supports (with his votes) the policies of Bush in terms of educational change (in both K-12 and college along with the funding thereof) as well as the retraining he so glowingly advocates in this address. (Bush says it is not the place of Government to retrain displaced workers) His votes on issues of substance affecting equity of opportunity, SS, Medicare/ Medicaid, political redistricting, war in Iraq, environment etc. have so far placed him deeply in the conservative wing of the Republican Party. He is a rising star and the propaganda machine of the neo-cons is quick to make sure that he is given a broad audience for any of his public appearances and statements. He is also just about the only politician that the Republican Party can trot out which can get black support nationwide. He is wildly popular in Illinois and received massive Republican funding in his Senate race.

    Whether or not he has a plan for anything productive other a “seat at the cool kids table” in the senate is a question open to future resolution. I tend to judge a politician not by what he says but who he hangs with and what he does. He is loath to make public pronouncements vis a vie his positions on issues so you have to dig it out of the voting record using something like project Vote Smart.

    We shall see.

  3. Hmmm. I went to Project Vote Smart, pulled up Obama's voting record, and I don't see the claims made here. Perhaps the poster didn't do this? Or perhaps the poster has another agenda? But golly, isn't it an interesting "you can't believe anything anybody says about anything" twist to smear him by saying he's really a neocon plant? Oy.
