Friday, June 24, 2005

I need a picture

of Dudley pooping. Because Dudley is a hilariously intense pooper. He Concentrates. His little brow furrows deeply. He Quivers so intensely his hind legs sometimes leave the ground. Pooping is not something he takes lightly. He Obviously Thinks Deep Thoughts while Pooping. So I'm thinking that would be a great logo for my resignation letter.*

If the interview on Tuesday pans out, I think I'm gone. I'm sick of living in a Dilbert strip.

But it's okay, because it's the weekend and I am in my Happy Place, which is full of cute little furry animals, yarn, and of course, beer. Yay, Friday.

* Yeah, I went back and edited this post last night before I fell asleep. It's not that I say anything here that I wouldn't say to my boss's boss's boss to his face, but I really want to do that first. NOT because I think that anything will ever change, but just to be professional about it. I could write a book about that job, believe me - and maybe someday I will - names changed to give the guilty a head start, of course.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:12 PM

    By the way, I like it when you talk about your job. It is interesting.
