Sunday, May 15, 2005

This weekend was Quite Different...

from last weekend. Last weekend was relaxing and fun and creative and in my favorite part of the country. This weekend was not like last weekend. On Saturday, Girl and I went on an Emergency Shopping Mission to the mediocre mall nearest us, because she needed Business Casual Attire. Even a bag lady would scoff at her wardrobe at this point, she could not fake Business Casual for even an afternoon. We managed to pull together a few things on sale to fake three days of business casual for the training days, then her employer (a posh restaurant) will clothe her for work.

Today we took the dogs to visit my parents. Nobody cried, whined or crapped on the floor - at least the dogs didn't. There was plenty of whining in the car on the way to and fro, because visits to my parents are, uh, challenging. It was only last year that I learned about "narcissistic personality disorder" and it all became clear to me. Oh, THAT'S why my father can't talk about anything but himself for more than two sentences, or if the conversation goes on for more than three without him, he has to make snide comments about everybody else's opinions! Ahhh! That's why, when I mentioned I was going to the gym, he responded with, "Have you lost any weight yet?" like I am in dire need of it. That's why, all my life, I always felt like there was something wrong with ME! I've never been good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, my decisions are always bad in some nameless way. I've lived with this forever, and it is only in the past few years that I really GOT IT. It's NOT ME! It really is HIM! He's in congestive heart failure and on oxygen and so frail and thin Dudley could pick him up and carry him around like a chew toy, but dammit, it's STILL all about him!

Dudley, bless his little heart, was perfectly behaved and had no accidents and chewed on nothing and fetched and sat and napped and was a tiny canine saint. Murphy is always a Good Boy. Lunch was good, and we managed to wrestle the conversation away from my father a few times, to his visible chagrin. My mother was glad to join in political ranting and current events, lunch conversation wasn't too bad. We bugged out early.

New must-read blog, found via Chicknits: Angry Black Bitch. I walked into the middle of the rant about the hoodlums next door and was instantly addicted - thoughts of Amie and the Feral Children sprang to mind. I'm lucky - we are Feral Child Free in this neighborhood, more than half the houses are kidless, the rest have very nice kids who are actual people, but I have lived among the Feral Children and know how when they are small you feel sorry for them, but when they are bigger than you and able to start fires, it ain't sad anymore, just really fucking scary.

And I think I want a wtfwjd? coffee mug. I know at least two friends who would appreciate it. Hilarious, as is Going Jesus.

Tomorrow is Monday. Someone who was not me won the lottery. I must go to work. Shit.

A week on and the idea of moving to MD makes more sense, not less. I'm at least six months, maybe more, from doing it, and I don't want to stay at my current employer another six months if I don't have to, but damn, it's a possible dream. I have both family and friends there, I have far better job prospects, it is not a bad idea at all.


  1. Well, I do believe that things in life happen for a purpose.

    Perhaps your trip to MD wasn't just a mini-vacation. Perhaps it was also meant to serve as a reminder that the pond is much bigger than FL; and maybe MD is where you're meant to be now.

  2. Shhhh Aimie It looks like it's working.

  3. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Hey Catherine--I know there's a way to email you directly, somehow, but I'm a little too distracted to look for it. So, I have to share something with you in a public way.

    Here's a link for you: Click on Games, and take the test to see what kind of dog you are. I'm a Border Collie. Love the breed, but, geez, am I really like that. . . .

    Hope you check your comments. . . . . .
