Wednesday, May 18, 2005

It's Only Wednesday.

The days are dragging at Ye Olde Jobbe. Nothing exciting on the job search horizon at the moment, either - I've been approached about jobs in other cities, but I'm not ready to move yet and if/when I do move I really would like to make it a big one, not to an even smaller and more backassward town than this one. I did see one promising real estate development position in the right salary range, I'll send them a resume today. Otherwise, it's pretty much what the recruiter described - a bunch of "we want 3-4 years of experience and we'll pay you UP TO $35k" jobs. If I'm going back to real estate development I'd like to get into a position that is only vaguely paralegal and has the option of moving into other directions. If such a thing exists in this market.

In the meantime, I am focusing my energies on Pretending to Get Ready to Move. I'm going to treat the house and everything in it like it's going to be put on the market in 6-8 months, because who knows, it just might be. This means it's back on the Yarn Fast, because God Knows I have plenty of stash to keep me busy, and I need to save money and pay bills. MDS&W was my last hurrah, yarn-wise. From now on it's stash consumption. (Or, as another knitblogger puts it, Operation Bust My Balls.)

And I'm going to focus my energies on remodeling myself. Since Girl has been home she has been working out faithfully, and I have not. I had some heavy reasons of the hormonal sort for the past couple of days, but that excuse is no longer operational, so tonight I will join her for a good hour or so at the gym, and go every day henceforth. I'd like to lose 12 pounds between now and my birthday at the end of June. I will start my new birth year in a different place, physically and mentally if not geographically. My 25 pounds/25 projects plan has been far more successful on the project side - I have gained and lost the same 4 pounds over and over, but otherwise the extra pounds remain stubbornly with me, and I'm sick of not having the body I want. Girl is a good influence on me, as I suspected she would be. We are going to be looking HOT by July 4.

I finished the Dulaan scarf but for fringing it, it turned out so gorgeous. Enormous thanks to Deb for cluing me in that it's not really extinct: WEBS carries it under their Valley Yarns label. Not that I'm buying more (right now) but it's comforting to know it still exists. I didn't intend the really cool striping pattern that formed in the mistake-rib pattern, but damn, it's amazing.

Dudley update: He's growing so fast it's scary. He's so smart it's scary. He eats so much - yes, that's scary too. We've begun joking that he's not really a Boston, he's a Boxer in disguise. He and Murphy get along very well now, they romp and play a lot, but Murphy gets tired first when they are playing and can get a bit cranky with him - the chase game with the stuffed sheepie toy goes like this: Grab and tussle and play keep away, run run run, play growl play growl play growl, then suddenly Murphy gives him a real growl: "DAMMIT KID, GIVE ME MY FUCKING STUFFED SHEEP, I'M TIRED!" And Dudley lets go, backs off and sits down, wide eyed, wondering what the hell he did and Murphy walks off with the toy, panting. I'm glad Murphy is being more assertive, I was afraid he'd let the Kid just steamroll him and take his toys all the time, but he's starting to express himself more and teach the little brat some limits. He needs to do it now, because in 3 weeks that little brat will be bigger than he is.

Into the shower goeth I. To the office I must go. Out early I must get. Happy Wednesday!


  1. move to md, listen to vi
    we are trying to move to the slatington area where the farms and all my beloved babies are.
    move to where you are happy and supported and surrounded by people who love you- and who YOU love
    ( that may not mean family, you know)
    cause in the end THAT is what life is all about
    who and what you love.

  2. hope you move to a place that gives you comfort, happiness and beauty..
    did you take pics of the scarve?

  3. Thanks for the kudos neighbor for now Catherine!

    For me, I can't imagine living in cold and snow again but you can come stay with me if you need a respite from freezing your heiney off :)

    Seriously, go where you find happiness and feel productive!!

  4. Just want to say i enjoyed reading your posts on your blog...I knit...and my parents have a yorkie...(i want one...just saving $$ to buy one), I live in PA and wish i could have went to MD.
    Have a great week...Lori
