Saturday, May 28, 2005

My finest eBay score ever! I owned this mag in 1979 - somewhere in the many computer gypsy moves I decided it was dead weight. I got it back almost by accident - I saw the cable coat pattern on eBay and it seemed so familiar and like something I really, really had to have. Then the magazine arrived today, and OMG. It's THE SAME ISSUE I loved to death in 1979!


  1. Those are really nice, timeless patterns for sweaters. Same thing with a lot of books from the 1940s and 1950s. As my mother has been cleaning out her collection, I've been trying to make sure they go to me. There are things in them I'd make as is, or with slight modifications. When acquaintances give up these old books or I run across them second hand, I snap them up if I can.

    I think Girlchild's purchase of the sweater is justifiable, although ya don't knit because it's cheap. I try to keep my yarn habit within reason by buying yarn on sale, at garage sales, or unravelling sweaters I buy at Goodwill. Tedious, but you can get a lot of good yarn that way. It's the same when we bought drapes for our bedroom. We wound up buying a pair in a chocolate brown velvet (good velvet, too) at Ikea for $50-$60 Canadian. I couldn't have bought the velvet for that, let alone the time spent making them (which isn't much, admittedly). For some things, the effort's not worth it and it's just as easy to buy the damned thing.

  2. Yeah, between the yarn cost, the time invested and the wrist pain from cabling in that inflexible cotton, there was no way I'd make that Anthropologie sweater. However, I do have Rowan Linen Drape for a sweater for her so I really need to start it this week. :-)

  3. The sweater on the cover is awesome.
