Sunday, March 06, 2005

Slap Me.

I bought yarn. Just one skein.

I was such a good girl, did all my errands and bought groceries and chased cat hair, cleaned the pond filter (again) and the guest room futon is made up, I rearranged the futon in the room, improving the floorplan greatly, added a nightstand and lamp (in true home decorating show fashion, I glommed it from another room) and it looks very inviting and clean. It really needs art on the walls, it's rather spartan, but I'm much happier with this floorplan, it's more comfortable. Everything has been washed, de-cat-haired and Febreezed into submission.

And then I stopped in at Knit! to see if they have added sock yarn. A girl can't have too much sock yarn.

No sock yarn for at least a month, but it's on its way. I was about to leave empty handed when I saw this really cute, drapey scarf on display - it was a basic garter stitch in a shiny rayon, and I was drawn to it like a bird to a shiny object. I liked it because it was definitely Summery - even more summery than Clapotis in that shiny rayon. It's a true Florida Accessory Scarf! So I had to examine it, and the owner told me about the pattern. It's this very simple "shoulder scarf" - it's so simple the pattern is easily memorized if you read it ONCE, I don't know why anyone would ever buy it - but I won't share it here because that would still be a copyright violation. Go read it at your LYS, and wonder who would pay $4.50 for it.

The results, however, are really, really nice - I had to drape the shop model on my shoulders and admire the way it hangs, and walked out of the store with this:

Shades of beige and sage green, though I have to admit I was really drawn to the Tequila Sunrise, and may have to do one in that colorway too. This is my kind of knitting - feet up with a glass of wine and a movie, finish it in an evening. I think some friends will have to get them as little fun gifties too.

Though Knit! carries more novelty yarn than I care for, I do like the big selection of Fiesta Yarns - they're pricey but oh, so worth it.

Other knitting photos:

The Koigu sock is heading down the home stretch, another half inch and it'll be time to "rearrange the stitches" to do the toe. I am really tired of rearranging the stitches.

That is the itty-bitty starting row of the Shimmer feather and fan wrap. Note how beautifully my handmade stitch markers compliment the yarn...because you can't see squat about the pattern in that picture. At least it gives a hint of the colorway.

And now my break is over, and it's time to do some serious putting away of laundry and other stuff. And a Corona with lime is calling my name....


  1. You inspired me to make my own stitch markers, which I'm quite pleased with. The finish isn't great--I've never done beadwork before, but I think it'll get better.

    The shoulder scarf looks like a triangular shawl without the third point, and in a loose open stitch. Am I correct?

  2. It's basically garter stitch, start with a wide bottom and increase from there. Ooops, I just gave away the pattern... ;-)

  3. Bwahaha!

    Expect some women in dark suits (knitted, of course) to, er, "drop by" your house tonight.

  4. But yup, I was right. How loose a garter stitch? Or is it up to the knitter/yarn?

  5. My fierce attack cats will snag their knitted suits into submission, if they actually, er, wake up. Size of the needle depends on the yarn, but if one used a big needle like, I'm just sayin', a 15, one would not be far off.

  6. Thanks for not sharing that information. ;-D

  7. I did not post the pattern, I merely shared the general design concept, which is on display in the photo. It doesn't require a secret decoder ring. ;-) Hell, anyone with rudimentary knitting skills could figure out that pattern by studying the photo. It's rather weird that they even charge for it, it's definitely a freebie level thing - and it's not like they don't make enough on that yarn.

  8. No, of course not. If you hadn't said what you did, it would have taken me an extra 5-10 minutes to figure it out.

    As you say, anyone with rudimentary knitting skills should be able to figure it out.

  9. Anonymous8:09 AM

    I know knitting the sock on 2 circs has not been your favorite, but one thing that makes it go smoother is NOT rearranging stitches. I know Cat teaches doing heels in profile in her Socks Soar,and stitches are rearranged a couple of times. I learned that way.

    However now I knit it straight from cuff to toe without ever rearranging the stitches. See the Broadripple pattern on knitty for an explanation of how to pick up gussets this way. It's a little awkward the first time, but so much easier in the long run. No need for markers, to decrease, etc.

    Try it, you'll like it. ;)

  10. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Sorry that url didn't come across in the message for some reason. Google Broadripple and it will come up.
