Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Hi! Sorry, Been Working.

 So yeah, I can't even remember what day it is. I do know I had a previously scheduled 1 on 1 with my boss, who I love to pieces, and she told me to just TAKE A DAMN DAY OFF!! So I'm taking Friday off. I worked 11+ hour days over the weekend, going home to a humid, dark house, melted ice, cold showers, and two small dogs who were convinced I could fix it for them if I really loved them. 

Power came back...Saturday? Or was it Sunday? I honestly am not sure, I wasn't home for most of it. I'd leave for work before the asscrack of dawn, run home to drain the dogs midday, go back, and finally get home, walk the dogs and eat leftover takeout from the office before crashing to get up and do it all again. When you're in your 30s this is kinda fun and managers see you as an awesome team player and it's good for your career! Yeah, I'm over that shit.

I am officially too old for this shit. I said all weekend that I was getting though it because this is my last storm season, because AS GAWD IS MAH WITNUSS, I'm retiring before the next one!

 I told my boss that today on my 1on1, and she said, "Don't even say that!" Girl, I love you too, but after the first of the year we've got to get real. I'm 66, I'm not financially in a "retire to constant cruises and golf" place, but I'm tired and thoroughly sick of this shit. I want to dial it back to part time something, at least.

I missed The Kid's 13th birthday blowout at Disney - DAMN YOU, MILTON!  I'm honestly not too broken up about that, because I'm too old to think chasing 13 year olds armed with gift cards and cash and amped up on Starbucks around Disney Springs is a fabulous time. I'd have joined them but for Milton and work, but it would have been nearly as exhausting as work. 

 I salute my daughter and...I still need a blog name for her wonderful guy, Sebastian's dad. He's not entirely in the Disney Cult, but he's getting there, and he was all in on taking 4 young teens and an infant for a Disney weekend. Everybody had a blast. 

Sebastian again proved he's a born Disney kid! He floated in the pool, napped, then people watched and napped, and was just generally the mellowest, most cheerful baby in the entire Disney bubble. He laughs and giggles and loves to people watch, and just goes with the flow, taking it all in. They really, really lucked out with this kid. We're already planning next year when he's on his feet and can be introduced to the splash pads at the resorts.

The Kid did report that she was a bit annoyed that two of her guests were all about going back to Disney Springs before they left while she wanted more pool time, but I told her that her mom and I were talking and we feel we need an Animal Kingdom Lodge weekend, she cheered up and agreed.   They'd stayed at Port Orleans Riverside for her birthday, and my daughter texted me and said that while it was nice, the other half of Port Orleans is nicer, and that she's totally spoiled by Animal Kingdom Lodge's pools. I'm spoiled by AKL in general. It's my favorite resort by far, because the entire experience is an exotic take on Disney, but of the two sides of the Port Orleans resort, my heart also belongs to the French Quarter.

Anyway, I'm babbling and exhausted. I'm the grandmother of two teens, one tween, and a little guy who is already keeping up with the family's adventures. 

It's all good, but I really, really need a day off.


  1. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Sebastian's dad - Seb Senior? Good With A Chain Saw?
    I am looking forward to your future employment in or around Disney. Hang in just a little bit longer!

  2. Hope you can relax on your day off? Our friend in St. Pete didn't have electricity as of last night. He is still cleaning up but didn't have too much damage to his property. Sebastian sounds like a wonderful child, lucky you. Stay well.
