February was a financially challenging and not at all fun month, as I saw my emergency savings severely dented by the death of the ancient HVAC system. Not surprising, but still, ugh.
Yesterday's Magic Kingdom day cured at least some of my ills.
We got a late start to the park because the Kid had a judged solo flute performance, some county-wide school thing. It wasn't a competition but sort of was. If I understand it correctly (not sure I do) schools send students to be evaluated as an example of their music program? So the Kid was sent forth to be the sound of the flute at her middle school.
And yeah, it's almost boring at this point, but she was excellent. The "judge" (in quotes because this wasn't quite a competition) was very complimentary about her command of her instrument, and asked about her future plans and whether she was getting private instruction, and The Kid responded with that the next step was mastering her bravado? As far as I can tell, it means playing the flute like a badass. Think Lizzo.
The judge-person was very complimentary about her talent, and though she was reportedly nervous, her mom sent a video taken from the wings and she sure didn't look it. She looked cool as ice, poised, relaxed, tapping her toe to the beat. Maybe all those years of performing in dance weren't wasted, she's been prepped for performance since she was 3.
So, anyway, this kid randomly picked the flute as her instrument when starting middle school last year, had never touched an instrument before, and has raced through the program, skipping some intermediary step into orchestra? (Grandma can't keep up.) And she's doing the same thing with volleyball, but without makeup and with half the girl drama of dance. She's still friends with girls from her Dance Era, and some of them have joined her in defecting to other sports, so we still get the Dance Drama stories, and I'm glad she's out of it.
And then there's this kid, the Prince. This is Himself in hour 6 of an afternoon at Magic Kingdom, after the morning with Big Sister's music thing, and after riding Buzz Lightyear, the People Mover, eating dinner, and having had a 20 minute Power Nap in daddy's arms while we rode the Haunted Mansion. We kept thinking he'd crash in his stroller at some point, the weather was lovely, low 70s, light cloud cover, and a breeze, comfy napping conditions, but he's all about the Disney experiences. We'd recline his stroller, thinking he looked sleepy and would pass out, and he'd struggle to sit up. Here, we were discussing what we should do next. (His next rides were the monorail out and then the ride to the parking lot, but at his age, it's all good.) I love this picture because though he's not at his most bubbly and really could use a nap, he's just like, "Yeah, it's been a long day but what's next?" He's a beast. He's usually all smiles and giggles, but I love this glimpse of his future thoughtful boy face.
His mom reported that he did sleep in the car on the way home, then got his third wind to continue the party.
I've taken the day off tomorrow for New AC Day, because let's get real, none of my real work can be done. The air handler is in a closet right outside my home office, Eddie will be losing his mind wanting to participate in the work, Gidget will be terrified, and I'm going to be the ringmaster of the circus. Ellie will just be under the bed until it's quiet. I'm taking my laptop and some stuff to the bedroom where we will camp out and watch TV and I'll do whatever I can while the professionals give this condo a heart and lung transplant. I need to have a word with the condo management company again, they sent me a "friendly reminder" of unpaid dues for Feb, for which I have a bank statement showing when I paid them. I mean, yay that they've actually started giving monthly notices that their accounting department is behind instead of not saying anything for 3 months and then threatening collections? Progress?
I'm gonna go sit on the couch with the dogs and knit something. I'll check in post AC Day. Crossed fingers it goes smoothly.