Wednesday, November 20, 2013

If I play my cards right....

I may get all the way through Christmas with only one (brief, voluntary) trip to shopping Armageddon the Mall at Millenia. Girl does want to do an IKEA visit. We have it mapped out - Lunch, Toys, Christmas Decor, then GTFO, and no later than the second weekend in December.

Otherwise, I'm cruising to an online Christmas. I've surrendered, and it feels so good. I'd rather put my time and energy into decorating, cooking, spending time with family, and just Be-ing, and fill the modest need for Stuff via online retailers.

This is not about being Scrooge-like. It's about spending my free time wisely. Knitting hats = wise. Baking = wise. Decorating = wise. Knitting and baking and decorating and then watching Christmas movies and reading stories with wee granddaughters? Priceless. Dragging my ass to the mall to buy a $20 gift for a random gift exchange? I can find more and better choices online, and pick them up at my door. I am embracing the online shopping this year, because work that pays the bills isn't going to slow down/stop for the grandma stuff.

Time Management. I'm finally learning it.


Stephanie said...


Linda said...

I'm with you! I haven't stepped foot in a Mall in years. and many more years at Christmas time. Knitting, cooking & decorating sound like a much better use of our time:)

Anonymous said...

Wise use of all that (ahem) spare time !!
I avoid the Christmas scramble like the plague. Erich was born on 26 September, and for many reasons the only chance I had to go Christmas shopping (distance, no second car, Ernst working very hard), was Christmas EVE. With a squalling 3 month old.
Deeply psychologically scarred for the rest of my life.
Since then have kept a list in an old style bookkeeping ledger (remember those?) and I shop throughout the year, and am using online more and more.

Gae, in Callala Bay

Anonymous said...

I worked at Target through Christmas two years ago. It was a real eye-opener. I am an only child and have no children, so my family's Christmas' are small. I knit or sew most of the gifts I give my parents, with the exception of maybe a package of socks or underwear for my mom, along with a few small things like a package of bath or hair products or lip balm. (And fast-food gift cards---my dad loves him a trip to Wendy's for fries and a frosty on me. He's 82, so what the heck.) I was amazed at the young families that came through my lane with a fistful of credit cards that were all maxed out, and they all looked stressed out, frazzled, and a little dazed. I felt sorry for them---they seemed to be under such pressure. Personally, I really like our Less-Is-More-Little-House-on-the-Prairie Christmas', and I am grateful for everyone we get to enjoy together. Anyhoo---I think you tend to do less impulse shopping online as compared to going to the store, so maybe it saves money in the long run.