Thursday, November 29, 2012

Better, Maybe??

Last night was the worst.  I fell asleep on the couch in the living room - lights on, tv on - at 7:30ish, and slept fitfully, waking up to cough now and then, until 3 a.m.  I recall searching for the remote and turning the TV volume down, but not having the energy to reach up and turn off the Very Bright Light that was shining in my eyes, so I slept with my arm over my eyes. Problem solved.   My feet got cold and a blanket seemed like too much work, so I stuck my feet under a big throw pillow, and Sophie did her part providing warmth.  At 3 I woke to a coughing fit so special, I truly expected to see my lungs fly out.  At that point I gave up, got up, took more cold meds and made tea.  So yeah, I've been up since 3.

The dogs understood that mommy is sick and have been so very, very good. They curled up with me on the couch, and there was only one small pee puddle many hours later. And Murphy is on pred again, so he gets a pee pass when he can't wake me to tell me he needs to go.  He did me a favor. Today they didn't pester at all, and were content to be quiet and un-demanding, and just sort of flop around in solidarity.  Good dogs.

I felt awful most of the day, but by late afternoon I think maybe possibly I'm turning the corner, if this cold doesn't have any new surprises in store.  If I don't break out in giant pustules and cough up blood tonight (Yes, I did read The Stand) I think maybe I'm going to feel even better tomorrow. 

I may spend tonight on the couch too, but this time in actual clean yoga pants and not the same clothes I've worn for 2 days, and with a blanket like a civilized person, and sleep in the quiet glow of the TV.  The couch throw pillows are wonderfully firm and supportive, unlike my bed pillows, and I think I still need that elevation, because nighttime coughing is always the last lingering misery. 

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