Saturday, February 25, 2012

Higgins Says:

I am not going anywhere. I will not deprive the human that exists to wait on me, the one I expect to jump out of bed to wait on me when I scream in the middle of the night, of the joy of my existence.


  1. He is a handsome old man isn't he?!

  2. Handsome, yes. Glowering and sinister and demanding, that too. ;-)

  3. Totally off topic but if you ever have a moment would you comment on your new camera. I looked at it today and like it but still can't decide, so if you have any thoughts it would be appreciated.

  4. jotting note to self - I'll share my impressions on my next actual blog post. Overall, I like it. It's not quite point n shoot mindless, but it does stuff I really like.
