Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Still waiting....

for the state to send me my letter allowing me to take the state exam. Word of my preparing to do so has gotten out - I'm getting called and getting letters from offices all over the area looking for fresh meat new agents. Yet, here I sit, waiting for the letter that just allows me to schedule the test for whenever they are offering it. If it isn't here by Saturday, I will be quite peeved.

In protest of Waiting for the Letter, I gave myself the day off today. I spent it working on Supergirl's Afghan 2.0, which is I think 2/3 done. I hate assembling the damn things and weaving in all those ends, so I have to do it when I have bursts of ambition. Then I can see how big it is now, and decide how much bigger it needs to be.

My daughter says that Miss D's daycare reported that she napped for two 20 minute spurts and is again not fond of the pacifier. Good, she's stopped being Perfect Baby for them and is being herself. Like her mother, she is vying for the title of The Thing That Never Sleeps. She's better than her mother though, because she will at least sleep at night. Her mother thought we were throwing wild parties at 2 a.m. and always woke up ready to join the action. This phase lasted until she became ambulatory, when the all-consuming activity of finding things to smash her head into was tiring enough to encourage a semi-normal afternoon nap.

I am just smiling an evil, contented smile - the mother's cliche has come true - she's raising a kid just like her. Heh-heh.


  1. Anonymous8:12 PM

    It's always the best curse, isn't it? "I hope you have a kid just like yourself..."

  2. I used to think that was just one of those sayings tired moms joked about, but now I'm LMAO watching it play out twice - Boy is dealing with a Miss Smarty, Good Luck Finding a School that Won't Bore Her, and Girl is dealing with The Thing That Doesn't Sleep, which will be followed by MS,GLFaStWBH. And I can just sit back and nod, and offer supportive words. I survived raising them and they'll be fine.

  3. Anonymous11:43 PM

    I had just turned 63 when Daughter Dearest produced Our Wild Irish Rose.
    It did not take long before I realised that I will just HAVE to survive until 79 to get the full benefit from The Mother's Curse.

    Heh-heh, indeed,

    Gae, in Callala Bay
