Friday, December 16, 2011

Oh Noes!!

Not The Bugle!! I just found them a few weeks ago, and now the Times has dumped them? Booo! I would pay a few bucks a year for a weekly shot of their smart, high-quality snark, but...damn!! I JUST FOUND THEM! I wonder if their existing podcasts will stay on iTunes, or will the Times yank it as their copyrighted material?

The Big Box of Christmas Cheer left via UPS today, bound for Asheville. I was so glad I delayed the shipment a bit, as it led to a bit of serendipity. My son shared with me Supergirl's new favorite animal, and the trip to the mall with Girlmama found us wandering in Pottery Barn Kids, goggling at the merchandise - and among the merch was a particular animal that is Supergirl's new fave, created by those good folks at National Geographic, and it is soft and cuddly as well as her new obsession, so Yay, Procrastination!

I also bought Little Miss D her first stocking, a lovely nature-y affair with a sweet little deer on it. It was on sale, and the same price as the very unimaginative ones we'd seen elsewhere, so she WILL have a stocking for her first Christmas after all.

Wish us luck tomorrow morning, as Girlmama faces the challenge getting out of the house at the proverbial Buttcrack of Dawn (actually, as close to 7 a.m. as she can manage) so we can get an early start at the dog show. It's a dry run for getting up and out the door for work in a couple of weeks in her new role as Working Girlmama, so it's good practice.

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