Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Is Mercury Retrograde Over Yet?

I think it ends on the 13th, and then maybe life will make more sense.

Today was the end of the Holy Three to Five Days! of the Warranty Company. Did I get a triumphant call or email that Yay! They Found the Discontinued Part! -oh hell, of course not. If my phone doesn't ring by noon tomorrow, I will be even less tolerant of corporate system failure than I have been so far.

Warranty company sends a contractor to fix the issue. Contractor doesn't have full access to warranty company's resources. Contractor can't fix it. Warranty company then says, "Oh, hey, give us a week so we can try! The contractor didn't have our secret special contacts available!" Really? The contract is with you people, not the hapless random people you chose to administer it - why didn't the company that came to my house have access to the same sources YOU claim to have?

Meanwhile, the soup I tried to freeze separated into ice crystals and sludge. The icemaker is unusable - it makes ice that turns into an iceberg. I am limping along on shopping daily and throwing out fragile things that don't make it. We are now into the second week of December. If they don't contact me by noon tomorrow, and they have never called me about this open ticket, I will have to call them. Say a prayer for my blood pressure being all low and tranquil.


  1. Anonymous12:39 PM

    By any chance, have you kept track of how much food you've had to throw away? I know it doesn't matter to them in the slightest, but I would get a small satisfaction from saying, 'And I've had to waste $150 worth of food due to this company's incompetence, you jackwagons!" But maybe leave out the 'jackwagons'.

    Or not. :)

  2. I'm thinking "Jackwagons" is pretty tame compared to what I would say. Catherine, you have SO much more patience than I! I'd be asking for $$ for spoiled food AND a new, lifetime guaranteed fridge! But that's just the Yankee Bitch in me :D

  3. Heh, well, I read their agreement and they have written it so heavily in their favor, all that would do is run up my blood pressure. I've been shopping daily/buying small portions, and one of the advantages of my diet is I don't have any meat and dairy products that could actually make me sick if they turned. Veggies announce their "offness" right up front. It is an inconvenience and has grown into a long, drawn out saga of indifferent customer service, and I will have my own payback as I share this story with friends, who happen to be the people who keep companies like this IN BUSINESS.

  4. "Who are these people?", as my Irish ancestors used to say.

    I haven't read the newer posts but hope those devils got their acts together and got this thing fixed or re-placed. Damn!
