Though some days it may be heavy on pictures and few words.
Higgins is adjusting to his new home very nicely. Yesterday I came home and found Sophie and Higgins on the back of the loveseat together. Not snuggled, but sharing the same surface. This is a huge step forward for the Ancient Cat, as he spent the last year trying to avoid sharing the same horizontal surface as my daughter's dogs. It's also a step for Sophie, who can be a tad territorial. This morning, Higgins actually got into the bed when I woke up, and I petted him with one hand and Sophie with the other, and he leaned over and nuzzled her, and she didn't snap his head off. They have found they share a love of sunbathing on the balcony.
Unless it's really humid or unusually cold, as it was yesterday morning, I open the doors to the balcony so they can get some fresh air. Murphy isn't into it; sometimes he goes out there with them just to be sociable, but he mostly hangs out in the living room.
I finished Supergirl's sweater probably two weeks ago, but procrastinated the simple step of sewing on buttons until the other day. You can't see the hood in this photo, but there is a hood.
It made it to North Carolina just in time for hoodie weather, and it fits!
I am crocheting squares for Blankie 2.0, though I hope it will be as well received. I am not making an Identical Blankie. I can't - the first one was entirely improvised - I made each square as the spirit moved me, and I'm low on some of the colors, but I have plenty of others. It will still be Disney Princess Girly Colors, but not so baby pastel as the first - now I have some of that rich purple blue from this sweater and a plum color and a light blue to work into the mix.
Did I ever tell about the Disney Princess Girly Stuff? My son called me a few weeks ago - in fact, I think I was on the road to FL for the birth of GD2 - and said he'd taken Supergirl to the store to buy new sippy cups. He let her pick the style she wanted, and she instantly grabbed a Disney Princess cup. He was very amused, as she has never seen anything Disney Princess - Dora and Sesame Street are basically her only exposure to TV - she watches no network TV, so she didn't pick it up from commercials, either. But she gravitated toward that pink cup with the princesses, despite her father's suggestions of others. We mused about whether kids really are pre-wired to like things, and maybe it's not entirely the fault of media and marketing. Given her choice of items Supergirl zeros in on Princesses and Fairies as if programmed, yet we know she wasn't programmed. Interesting.
Anyway, back to Blankie 2.0 - it will not be identical to the original, but might be even more suitable for a bigger girl. I will make it up as I go along, as I do everything else in life.
I like pictures.