Thursday, December 01, 2011

December Horoscope

For Cancer. Not sure what to make of it - I'll have to reread it more carefully when I have time. The opening paragraphs did sound familiar:

It can be maddening when the planets send mixed messages. This has been going on since last month, so it is no wonder you may feel anxious and on the horns of a dilemma, unable to see the road ahead clearly. On one hand the eclipse season is upon us, and eclipses push us hard to step with the times and to fix any weaknesses that these lunar and solar events uncover. They certainly make us attend to things with a sense of urgency.

On the other hand, Mercury is retrograde, and will remain retrograde until December 13, making the first half of December a very bad time to make big decisions. Push-pull, on off, stop and go. No wonder you are feeling caught in a maze without an idea of what to do next.

One thing I AM going to do next is set a goal of blogging every day in December.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for goals! At least this one.
    I tried looking at my horoscope (Libra), and it was too confusing. I'll try again now. It must be that sort of time. Again.
