Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Fabulous, Dahlink!

I was dutifully working on my license class stuff (finished the class today) this morning when my daughter texted me to ask if I wanted to tag along to Delaney's six week check-up. Of course I did!

Delaney's pediatrician is the same doctor who took care of her mother. (He claimed my face was familiar, which I find hard to believe, as my kids were only there for the usual shots and check-ups and my daughter's semi-annual bouts with ear infections.) I liked him a lot when my kids were small, and the years have turned him into the storybook grandfatherly doctor with the silver hair and twinkling eyes. Kids adore him, and he's a soothing voice of support to parents. We were amused to find out that over the last couple of decades he's gone holistic and nutrition-based and distinctly crunchy. When he realized I had known him decades ago, he explained, "I've changed my practice." I'm delighted by this - he's as supportive and relaxed as he always was, "Now with added plant-based diet advice and aromatherapy!". It's cool, too, that in this big metro area with a lot of people coming and going, he's been practicing in that same office since Delaney's mommy was her size. He has other doctors in the practice, but the new babies see Dr. C. And how many doctors give out their cellphone number to new parents, with the instruction to "Just call me anytime if you have concerns!"

Delaney was duly weighed (she's over 11 lbs. now - she's put on nearly 4 lbs. in her first 6 weeks!) and measured (she's grown 2 inches), and Dr. C looked her over thoroughly, asking my daughter about sleeping, eating, pooping - no issues. Her mom told him about Delaney reaching out to grab her toys already (she had a picture on her phone to prove it) and he was impressed, saying that's a 3 month skill. He watched her study the poster of "Wild Animals of North America" on the wall behind the exam table - yep, her eyes are certainly tracking. Eating well, sleeping well, alert, good muscle tone - he murmured "Fabulous," while examining her. Her mom also got high praise for being a very relaxed and natural first time mom. It was great fun to be able to tag along on this doctor visit and see Dr. C again, after all these years, and such a totally positive and wonderful doctor visit, too! I'm a very happy Grandma today - two beautiful little granddaughters have been officially declared Fabulous!

I have a lot to be thankful for this year - Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Anonymous1:48 AM

    Happy Thanksgiving, Catherine. I know you will have a great time with the kids.


  2. Yep Yep - Lots to be thankful for. And I'm thankful you're my friend.
