My son texted me yesterday morning - it was a somewhat accusatory text: "So, we just had a sad moment. I thought you said that ad's blanket was washable, but it got destroyed. :("
Okay, there are few things that would cause me to dial the phone faster. Actual injury to a human would have done it, but a close second was "WTF happened to her blankie?!?"
Turns out that poor Supergirl has a virus and had barfed on her beloved blankie.
It was put in the wash with the sheets and other things, and washed in their less than modern machine. It didn't end well. Things are unraveling. Ends are sticking out.
I said, calmly, "Yes, it's washable, her sweaters are made of the same yarn. But that means it needed to be treated like a sweater, not a beach towel." Oops.
Fortunately I have plenty of leftovers from that project and I can recreate the Sweet Dreams Blankie. Supergirl is still content to snuggle with the mangled remains of Blankie 1.0. Blankie 2.0 will have even more colors! Leftovers from Delaney's sweater, and Supergirl's own hoodie! And also fortunately, there is nothing like granny squares for watching TV while taking phone calls and texting and sipping wine. The funny thing is that my son had just told me the other day that her blankie got raves from everyone who saw it, and she adored it. I said it was such a fun project I was thinking of making another. I wasn't thinking of this, but...
And 2.0's washing instructions will be delivered directly to my daughter-in-law: "It's like a machine washable sweater - cold, delicate, tumble on low." My fault for entrusting that message to a guy who never really learned to sort laundry. My DiL isn't a knitter and wouldn't know washable wool from Red Heart and they both took the "machine wash" instructions at face value, so, yeah, I take my share of the blame for this mishap.
The good news is that Supergirl isn't overly upset and will hang in there until I can send 2.0. And I had just said that I enjoyed making it so much, I was thinking of making another. And the Law of Attraction works in amusing ways.
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