Sunday, August 07, 2011

Facebook has convinced me

that if I ever decide to write my autobiography (after I am rich and famous, of course), I must contact people from the Olde World (Bowie, MD in the 60s/70s) to fill in my gaps. There's a FB group devoted to the topic and I'm mostly lurking because damn, that's where my post brain thang memory hole is! I felt a bit connected when I did a drive through of the streets where I grew up, and realized I could navigate them on core memory 30+ years later. But that group is dredging up memories of places I'd forgotten - like the shop where all our moms in the 70s simultaneously decided to take up macrame. My own mother dabbled in it with great skill and turned out some lovely plant hangers and such, but there's only so much macrame a house could stand, and eventually we hit the macrame overload. Candy store and department store and the bookmobile and then the one screen movie theater (and I'm old enough to remember being so excited that we were getting a movie theater) - it's all coming back, sort of. Mostly I'm realizing how much I did forget. I remember the names when prodded, but actual memories of the places? Nope. I have lost huge chunks of my early years. NOT that I'm complaining - I remember 95% of my kids' childhoods, and my recent memory is perfectly intact and hyper-functional. I had wondered what I lost in the Great Brain Thang - apparently it was my childhood in Bowie. But FB is filling in the blanks, and also showing me how many blanks there are. Many. Lots. But it is coming back.

1 comment:

  1. There's a few things in my 'college years' I'd like to forget, LOL!
    How's Sophie doing?
