Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Follow Up

to my neighbor story.

Either I really am completely unrecognizable in the pre-dawn hours, or this nice young man is just too polite to acknowledge it. We passed each other a few days back, with me in my groomed state and not hissing curses at small dogs in my bathrobe like a crazy woman, and he gave me a polite nod, not his friendly smile and neighborly "Hey," that makes me cringe when I'm in my just rolled out of bed to keep the dogs from peeing on the floor mode.

One of these days I hope to bump into him when I'm in my professional clothes AND walking the dogs, just to see if he's actually befuddled, ("Does she have a sister who ISN'T an insane bag lady?") or if he's just so incredibly polite and raised right that he knows better than to acknowledge that my 5:45 a.m. me and Professional Me are the same person. If it's the latter, he is going to make some lucky girl an awesome husband, and his mama should be very proud.


  1. Maybe you look really young and available in jammies, a hoodie and flip-flops, and incredibly dignified and aloof in your daily life.

  2. That's a sweet thought, but I really, really doubt it. :-)
