Sunday, May 01, 2011

It's May!

Warning - click on the link to the site at your peril - this month it has the most obnoxious pop-up ad ever, and it's nearly impossible to get rid of it. I've already emailed a complaint.

And we Cancerians have a really awesome career horoscope!

Last month brought you some superb aspects to make impressive progress in your career. You had an extraordinary number of planets in Aries that were brightening your professional tenth house of fame and honors. These planets offered you an unusual opportunity to move ahead and make a name for yourself - but there was a catch. Mercury was retrograde during most of last month (March 20-April 23) and that planet created delays and impediments to your best-laid plans. It all may have seemed so unfair to be so close and yet so far from victory. Now, you'll get a second chance to try again, and this time, all the conditions will be absolutely perfect.

and this:

Will you feel tension this month? Yes, at times you will. Planets in Aries don't blend easily with your Cancer Sun. Yet while planets at harsh angles are challenging, they also light you up. Harmonious, easy aspects often do nothing to awaken you. They do help you see victories, but you don't have to do much to earn them. With planets in Aries, you are being given a kick in the pants, and you will get moving. Your sign is often timid and cautious, but this month, planets in Aries will bring out the fearless side of you. Good! So while you will have to earn every gold star on your lapel, you can do it, and you'll be proud when you do! Certainly your plan will require courage, drive, determination, and stamina. Yet you'll be very alert, extremely energized, and ready to accept new responsibilities. You have what it takes! This surely could be a vital time your professional life, so use it for all it's worth!

Being the little skeptic I know you to be, you must be shaking your head, wondering how May could ever be as good as I have described in your report. This is, admittedly, a very rare month. I wish all my reports for you could be this outstanding, all the time! How special it turns out to be depends on how much you decide to put into it, dear Cancer. This month you will get as good as you give. Be out and about, circulating, and tell others your goals. Almost everyone will want to help you. You will be surrounded with more cosmic support than you've felt in a very long time - longer than you can remember. Believe it, trust it, and go for it, dear Cancer. May is just made for you.

How perfectly awesome is that? My daughter and future daughter-in-law are both Cancerians - we are going to kick some serious butt this month. Yay!


  1. woo woo - now that's a horoscope! congratulations - can't wait to hear about all your success!

  2. Anonymous12:42 PM

    i think you've got everything as prepared as possible for all this great luck and success go grab it with both hands.

