Monday, March 21, 2011

Squirrels in the Brain! And Suddenly Birds Singing Outdoors! And Meetings and Classes!

My first four months in Asheville were so calm, so quiet, so gentle. Just two-three major snowstorms, the holidays, the broker class for two of those months, a few job interviews that went nowhere, and now, here we are - it's Spring!

And the cloudy skies lifted, the windows are open, the birds are singing, and I'm in a training class with an international real estate brokerage firm. I'm not sure how that happened - just kidding. I went to an interview with the office team leader and she told me they had a class starting that week, and that afternoon I was in it. Somehow, I was just assimilated into the collective, and I'm loving it. It's fun, and exciting, and I'm suddenly going the independent contractor route, but supported by a really amazing company. Of course, I don't have the actual license yet, so I also have to make time to study for THAT pesky little detail, but yeah, this is huge fun.

And I've had to think hard about how to handle this, with the blog, I mean. These Damn Innernets are SO connected - both a blessing and a curse. I've been blogging since 2003, and Bossy Little Dogs is the longest-running diary I've ever kept, ever, yet I've kept it mostly a private clubhouse. Even now, if I Google myself, I don't find it - and I'm on Facebook and LinkedIn, etc. This semi-private space is where I have talked about everything from my husband's death to my leaking roof, politics and home repairs, knitting and, of course, the dogs, and I love everybody who reads along - I really do think of you as friends. I have no intention of changing it to "OMG, look at these houses! Call me!" This is the place for knitting and pics of my granddaughter and ranting, and of course the dogs. Always, the dogs.

This is my personal space. I will be creating a website for my business and am working on a database/contact list, where I will be ON DUTY! If you want to be on the contact list for any reason at all, from maybe just thinking about moving to the mountains, knowing somebody thinking about it, or even just idle curiosity, please send me an email at bossylittledogATyahooDOTcom with whatever contact info you want to share (but at least your name and an email) and you will be added to my database, and I'll let you know when the page is up and running. (There, I hope that run-on sentence caused just a few spambots to go all 'splodey.)

And that's as much self promotion as I plan to do here. I may stick an abbreviated version of that paragraph in my sidebar, but that's about as much of my work life I plan to drag in here.

So. Onward.

Yesterday it was 50 degrees, damp, gray and breezy. Today it was 80 and sunny. It appears we will split the difference in the next week or so - 70s, then rain, then a drop to a high in the low 60s, then creeping upward into the 70s again. Today, for the first time in THIRTY YEARS, I did the seasonal wardrobe switch, put away the sweaters and unpacked the rest of my wardrobe, which was residing in those nifty little zippered bags under my bed (storage being at a premium here). It was almost like going shopping! I sorted through all the stuff I brought with me from FL, and tossed out an entire trash bag of "Why the hell did I move this?" faded t-shirts and such. I made a smaller pile of things for Goodwill - I realized that I don't wear sweatpants. Ever. If I didn't put them on when it was 7 degrees and we had a foot of snow, I don't think I need to keep them, but they are just about brand new. Living in a smaller space with a lot less storage is both annoying and liberating. And I may as well get used to it, because when I do find a house for myself, I'm thinking it will be a sweet little old house in West Asheville - and while they often have basements, they aren't big on closet space.

Today was a very positive day, and my feeling of overwhelmed-ness at what I was taking on (oh yeah, just move to a new city and go into real estate when you know 12 people and the market is slow - timing has NEVER been my thing) evaporated when we started actually talking about doing business. I may be new to the area but I know this real estate stuff, and I really, truly love it. And I have skills that will make up for being the new kid, er, new grandma. So it'll be fun - not easy by any means, but FUN.

Oh, and just to add a little spice to the upcoming adventures of 2011 - I've been sitting on this news for a few weeks, but have official permission to share now. I'm going to be a grandma again! Girlchild is an expectant Girlmama!

Of course, the "timing is not our thing," thing is definitely at play here - Boychild's wedding is scheduled for October 22. Girlchild's due date? October 14. It seems highly unlikely that they will be able to attend her brother's wedding, and highly likely that I will be on I-95 the day after the wedding. And I thought 2010 was My Craziest Year. The first grandchild and the wedding and the move were just sort of the warm-up for what is apparently The Foreseeable Future.


  1. But we would love for you to share your successes with us over here. We will celebrate with you.

  2. Thanks, and I will!

  3. All this is so exciting! I am so happy for you, that your leap of faith landed you in such a great place!

    My second son, soon to be Dr. second son, PhD (brag, brag) is moving to Raleigh Durham to teach at Duke. Too far out of your market?

  4. Duke! We lived in Cary, long ago. And nothing is too far out of my market - I can at least hook him up with a great buyer's agent who will take good care of him. :-)

  5. Anonymous9:21 PM

    I am glad you are going to carry on with this blog---if you stop, I will be forever wondering "Whatever happened to Catherine and her bossy little dogs?" I am an only child, too, and almost 50, plus I have an older Yorkie, and the place where I've worked for 30 years is closing in September, throwing this baby out with the bathwater. I follow along on your blog, cheering for you and being inspired. Congratulations on the new baby---any knitting planned?

    Brenda in Iowa.

  6. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Woo-Hoo! What nifty gifty news! Looks like 2011 is going to be another roller coaster. And thanks for still keeping the blog going. I need some dog photos.

  7. No specific knitting planned yet - we are months from the ultrasound that will tell us girl or boy. After that I'll fire up the needles for something specific.

  8. You sound so happy! And I'm happy for you! Good luck in real estate and congratulations on the new grandbaby.

  9. yay! and YAY!! all good news. It wouldn't be chez bld if there weren't SOME monkey wrench flying around.
    so happy for you on all counts. Except driving back to Fla. (insert bronx cheer). hugs.

  10. BridgetG8:54 AM

    I am glad you are going to continue with your blog. I can't even remember how I found you - likely a connection with Knitter's Review. I attended a retreat while it was still in VA. Anyway, you are an entertaining writer and love the knitting/dogs/change of life/grandma content. I've been knitting 8 years, have two dogs (Wilbur and Juanita), am experiencing life change on many levels, and have two grandchildren. We almost have a club! ;)

  11. Such lovely news-- all of it!

    Wish I could be of some help professionally speaking, but I'm in Europe. Glad you'll continue to blog at this address though. It's always a pleasure to find a new post from you!

  12. BridgetG - I attended only one of those retreats, and it was still in VA - I think it was 2003? Upstate NY is just too much travel time for me, when I can do MDS&W every other year or so, and now SAFF is actually in my backyard. I still get to see at least a few of the KR oldtimers in MD.

  13. Hi, Catherine, I checked in with him and he had already found the ideal location, walking distance to work and other places. Well, he is 29, but I still think I MIGHT be of some help sometimes.

  14. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Like the others, I am thrilled that you will be continuing with your blog. Love hearing about the bossy dogs. Love reading about how you tackle the ups and downs of your life (good inspiration for me at 60+ yrs-- you'll always be a young whippersnapper to me!) I enjoy checking in with your blog every day-- you sound like someone I would enjoy as a real-life friend. Hope that doesn't sound too creepy to you. I'm rooting for your success in your new(old) career!!

  15. Wonderful news, Grandma!! So exciting all the stuff that's going on in your life. Have fun :)
