Friday, March 11, 2011

Expensive Little Dog.

Murphy's teeth are done, and he came through fine. He had two broken teeth - broken off at the gumline with roots still in place, yikes. That's where the infection along the gumline had started. I am willing to bet money (if I had any left) that this was the result of a vigorous game of Rope with dogs much bigger than he is. Another tooth was also extracted. But the good news is that his remaining teeth are fine, and so is he.

We will not talk of what this cost. All I can say is woof. Let's hope it's money well spent, and that his mouth issues were the cause of the elevated WBC - it does appear to be the case, because though he's a teeny little skinny bit of a dog now he's energetic and happy and his bossy little self, and the vets couldn't find anything else wrong with him. He ate his dinner and wanted more, but I want to make sure that this meal stays down first. If it does, he can have a bedtime snack later.

We woke up to a dusting of snow this morning, and tomorrow it'll be 65 and sunny. I'm going hiking and it should be lovely. Sunday is Supergirl's Official First Birthday Bash, and I'm happy with the gifts I found for her today. I gripe about Kohl's all the time - their many coupons, gimmicks and endless "super sales" combined with chronically inadequate staffing at the registers make shopping there sort of like visiting the DMV of Retail - but they came through today with an absolutely perfect toy and a lovely grownup summer dress, both really cheap. Really cheap is good. See above.

And it wouldn't be My Life if I didn't get a phone call about another possible job prospect on a Friday, so I can spend the weekend wondering 1) if it'll really appear; and 2) if it does, whether it would be a good fit for me. This is a salaried job; I already have an interview with the head of the brokerage office I'd like to join scheduled for next week. Of course, nothing about any of this is easy: the Real Estate Commission kicked back my application packet for three obscure reasons. I called them to discuss, and I'll answer their questions and return the packet to them on Monday. I didn't make any mistakes on the application, but the examiner wanted further information about a couple of things. It's proof, if anyone needs it, that they really do examine these applications carefully. The turnaround time after they receive the very minor additional information requested should be pretty fast.

For somebody without a real job, I'm busy as hell lately.


  1. I live in fear of my cat getting sick these days - I have no money to fall back on if he does :( Anyway, I'm glad your bossy little dog is recovering well! Fingers crossed for the job thing. And Supergirl is going to be 1? I can't believe it!! Take care x

  2. Glad to hear Murphy came through everything with good spirits and an appetite. I'm looking forward to hearing about the fun he and Adelaide have this spring.

  3. caroline12:43 AM

    So glad Murphy is better. Sorry about the wallet effect, though.
