Monday, March 14, 2011


By Rick Levine
You aren't eager to forge ahead with a current assignment; you would prefer to take your time while developing your strategy. Unfortunately, you may not have the luxury of biding your time; deadlines are looming and the clock doesn't stop ticking just because you want to move slower. Try not to get distracted by your preferences today; instead, show up and perform your expected tasks to the best of your ability.

I hate it when my horoscope is this accurate. Time to forge ahead and damn the torpedoes.

My NC Driver's License arrived today, and the photo, while me in my unvarnished/unbrushed humidity hair state, is at least of me smiling while looking like I just wandered in from walking the dogs. Better than the stern schoolmarm face I carried around in FL for 6 years, though that one did have the better haircut.

1 comment:

  1. I love happy driver's license pictures. My current one is from not long after I "moved on." Aside from the orange cast that makes me look like a jack-o-lantern.
