Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Happy 4th (other) Birthday to Me!

Yes, today is the other birthday - the 4th anniversary of the infamous Brain Thang. In many ways it feels like something from the far-distant past - but of course, the last four years have been really full of shit adventures. Yeah, 4 years now.

I have a semi-private little tradition to mark the day. I buy myself an Other Birthday present or three; things that make me happy and/or have some private meaning. This year I had no problem picking my gifts to me. Things I never imagined I'd own in my life - a small sling backpack and hiking poles, and also a small silver pendant with a Celtic tree of life, just because I liked it.

Yes, me. Hiking poles. I realized I needed them this weekend, when we hiked an easy trail along the Swannanoa River, a trail which was in a few places was maybe 18 inches wide and dropped off to rocks and water, and occasionally had minor rocky things to scramble over. More than once my moody left knee made me wonder if it was going to cooperate with navigating the rocks. And I saw other people with nifty folding hiking poles, and realized that I would feel much more secure with one of them babies too.

The little sling bag was a no-brainer. I ran out of pockets. Keys, camera, chapstick, tissues, water bottle, cell phone...yeah, the extra pockets in the hoodie came in handy, but when the weather is warm, I'll definitely need a bag. I didn't even pack a snack for this one, and if lunch along the trail was needed, I definitely didn't have enough pockets. I don't want to/need to carry a full backpack; I just need a large, sturdy extra pocket.

Hiking was lovely. I feel myself growing stronger and healthier every week that I live here. When I think about that wild week four years ago, when my life really was touch and go for a bit, and when I woke up surrounded by machines, with tubes running in and out, little vision in my left eye and a left leg that didn't want to support me, (not related to my crappy knee problem now; my current knee issues are just a family curse) I am just sooo grateful for my life.


  1. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Many, Many Happy Returns of the Unbirthday.

    I gave in on the hiking pole thing years ago - rough downhills are just too uncertain, and the thought of the inconvenience of a broken arm or wrist - no thanks!

    Gae, in Callala Bay

  2. Yeah, I felt better about it when my Girlchild said she'd been thinking it would be nice to have one while hiking last summer. Bad knees are not an age thing, and yes, downhill is the scary part!

  3. Happy Annie-versary :) (that's what people in the know call it; your aneurysm becomes Annie). Gosh, 4 years?! You've come a long way, girlfriend, and I must tell you that your blog became a life-saver for me when I was going through my own brain thang. In fact, as you may remember, I named it after your thang because it was SO the right expression for it! Thank you for being there, for being you, for surviving and showing me the way. Take care!

  4. I remember that day, too. Or rather, I remember being concerned that we hadn't heard from you for a while and then your daughter posted what had happened. So glad everything came out all right. And I would totally use a pole, except I have a big, old walking stick some guy made that is tall and sturday and works for me!

  5. Hey Jen! You are just about exactly where I was after a year, but I remember you posted from the hospital, and I was still in the "Whoo, can't see from left eye, oh, pretty colors, I think I'll sleep now!" stage then. It does come back, and you're doing superfine!

  6. And about the hiking pole - it's not that I think it's an "old person thing" - it's that I never thought I'd be hiking so much I'd even consider owning one! :-) It's not like you need them in Florida.

  7. Oh, I remember where I was too, when I read about it 4 years ago - I was sitting in the hospital with my late husband. It ended up being nothing too serious that time (heart related stuff) - and I remember thinking and praying that your stay in the hospital would turn out the same. So grateful that it did and that you had such a great healing from the brain thang! I have always admired your strength and tenacity to get through whatever adventures life has thrown your way.

  8. Yeah - I remember when Allie posted on KRREVIEWS. It was an awful day. It's a wonderful day now, seeing how far you've come! Congratulations on your unbirthday.

  9. Happy re-birthday, and thanks for continuing to blog about the wild and exciting ride that is your new life!

    (and a shout out to my dear sil Jen-- she is indeed doing well!)

  10. A very merry unbirthday to you, to you.


  11. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Happy unbirthday, Catherine. I had just begun reading your blog when your brain thang happened, and I remember just pulling and pulling for you. Dont know why, but I've always felt like you are a great friend of mine (even tho we’ve never met). And this is alway why you have to check in with us every few days!

  12. Thanks to all for the Unbirthday Wishes - I do feel like I'm sharing my ever-so-glam life with a small group of friends I just haven't met in person yet.

  13. caroline10:28 PM

    belated happy un-iversary, chica. it was a scary time, hell yes. And now look at you shine. Happy you're here to tell the tale. big hugs,
