It was a good investment. The down blanket is so warm, if we get our 1-3 inches more snow tomorrow the dogs and I may not get out of bed at all.
Not really. The dogs have to potty and I do have things to do, and weather permitting, I'm scheduled to go babysit Grandgirl tomorrow evening, so her parents can go see my son's HS best friend, who is a long-distance trucker. It's his birthday and he's home, and if they can't get together tomorrow they'll have to postpone the BD celebration for six weeks, because he'll be back on the road.
I pointed out that this really wouldn't be an awful thing, because in six weeks the odds of snow disrupting things will drop to a really outside chance. In seven weeks we may all need to break out the shorts and sandals, like they did last year. But whatever - if the "1 to 3 inches" predicted doesn't happen, I'll babysit the little darling one for them. If it does, son's friend and wife will not be able to get off their own street, and they'll get together when he's back in town.
Oh, about the bedroom TV. I had a large-ish old style picture tube TV in my bedroom in FL - it was about 7 years old and really bulky, and quite cheap when I bought it. I didn't think it would fit here, and I was right - there was NO WAY IN HELL that TV and stand could have fit into my current bedroom. Everything else just fits, but the doors are wider and the room is smaller, so all wall spaces are smaller. There was NO way that TV would fit, and I'm glad I left it behind as a bonus for my tenants.
Anyway, I lived for nearly two months without a bedroom TV, and thought, "Oh yeah, I can do this," for the first few weeks, and then in the last few weeks thought, "Yanno, it really would be nice to watch this show in my jammies under my down blanket!" And after that, it was a quick trip to Really Really Missing the bedroom TV.
Enter the gift card that came via a website that advertised this apartment complex. I wanted the apartment anyway, I certainly didn't choose it because of the gift card, but hey, a free hundred bucks was a nice bonus. However, said gift card came with a really fast expiration date - March - so I chose to use it on instant gratification. Today I scraped the snow off Baby, who again started on the first try because she is awesome, and she trundled over the snow like a cute little red mountain goat to the totally clear main road that isn't plowed by the same off-season lawn guy who half-assedly scrapes this place, and I spent my fast hundred bucks plus $58 on an adorable little bitty 19 inch flatscreen TV for my bedroom bookcase. I am stunned by how small and light and adorable and CHEAP TVs are now! This one weighs a smidge more than Murphy and less than Sophie and has the most precious little remote, and does everything I need, which is basically "have a good picture and a sleep timer." I am not high maintenance in this regard, but I'm glad to have a cute little bitty TV on the bookcase. I think I will drag the dogs out for the nighttime potty now, so I can go watch it.
I bet Sophie is glad too.