Monday, September 20, 2010

Camp Canine, Counting the Hours

until their parents come get them. Damn. I've gotten so little done the last couple of days, because everywhere I go I am followed by a canine entourage, especially the big one who has to sigh heavily outside the door if I go to the bathroom without her. (The bathroom is too small to let her in, unless I want to hold her on my lap, which I do not.)

Murphy would like you to know that he is officially too old for this shit. He's tired. Everybody's tired - even Layla of the Endless Energy is wearing out. Murphy is tired of standing by to make sure games don't get out of hand. Layla doesn't understand that when she grabs Sophie gently by the neck, her idea of gentle isn't all that gentle, and Sophie screams, and Murphy rushes over to see what's wrong, and I yell "Hey!" and leap up, and Layla wags an apology, and...20 minutes later does it again.

Sophie really wants to play with her, but it's a lot like sticking her head in the lion's mouth when the lion doesn't realize that her "love bites" are scary.

She's a big, gentle goofy girl, and the little ones boss her and take her crate and her chewy.

We did have a scary moment this morning, when the neighbors' lawn service guys arrived, with their Big Scary Mowers.

Dudley is not a fan of anything big and noisy - thunderstorms, fireworks, garbage trucks, vacuum cleaners - and lawn guys with those big growly machines are SCARY!

I like it when they wear out for an hour.

We will all be watching for their parents this time tomorrow.


  1. I am enjoying your Camp Canine stories so much I almost hate for them to leave! It's slightly hysterical with 2 Bostons, Murphy, and the great big puppy Layla! I only have 2 dogs right now and THAT'S plenty, usually, as I'm sure you know. I laughed and laughed at Layla chasing Sophie under the table- only the table is too small! We have the same problem when Jasmine's best friend Glory, the English Cocker Spaniel comes to visit.

    Hang in there. It will be very quiet soon.


  2. Ohhh, Catherine, do you feel like you're running your own personal pet rescue service? All those crates!

    The look on Dudley's face--the look, those eyes, the terror--priceless. Poor baby....

    Just think, soon it will be over, the house will be quiet again, and you'll miss them, you know you will!

  3. Dudley has the most wonderfully expressive face - I'm glad I captured his furrowed brow and anxiety. He can shift to giddy joy and sincere concern and oh, so tired and sad in a second.

  4. Layla is the only guest crated at bedtime, because she has a track record of waking at 3 am and amusing herself (ask her parents). The other three sleep with me. The crates are not used during the day, unless I have to go out, and then only Layla was confined, because, yes, 7 months old, poor impulse control....

  5. Girlchild9:04 PM

    That first picture reminds me of Gulliver's Travels for some reason!

  6. Oh, too funny - I thought the same thing and started calling her Gulliver!

  7. The twin faces of terror are so funny! I can see how they get in your way though.
